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Everything posted by baddog

  1. I feel safer already…
  2. Wow, I saw a troll on the Local News Forum trying to recruit against people who think he is a POS. What a pitiful existence he really has. Posts stuff that backfires in his peanut brain face, then trolls to other forums for backup. What a kook. Must be a communist POS.
  3. You don’t worship God either, so all that’s left is you. Lmfao. What a doofus
  4. One could always move next to the airport.
  5. Denial…..isn’t that a river in Africa?
  6. Serious as a heart attack……Let’s not get into Biden’s foreign policy (he has one?). I think we can all agree that the single most important economic factor is that there are jobs to be had and people are working. Let’s see how “America First” Biden is handling that…..
  7. She must have searched for hours before finding an article patting him on the back. Even the article doesn’t explain any benefits in detail. Vaccinations were going on before Biden got in, but he will take all the credit.
  8. baddog


    Scary accuracy.
  9. I have had several occasions where I could have gone to jail for DWI. Got pulled over by Galveston County on hwy. 87 coming back from the beach. Cop said I had crossed the center stripe a couple times. Asked how many drinks I had had and I told him about 10. I saw no reason to tell him a couple because he knew better. Like Hippy said, I yes sir, no sirred him as always, didn’t argue or lie, and cooperated. He made me park on the side of 87 and took my keys. Said he would be back at 4:00 a.m. This happened about 10:00 p.m. I slept it off and was sound asleep when I heard a tapping on my window. I woke up fuzzy headed and looked to see the same cop dangling my keys at my window. I rolled down my window, he handed me my keys and told me to be safe driving home. End of story. This is not what we were always told about Galveston County sheriffs. We were told they didn’t “play around” especially with drinkers at the beach. I know nothing about this cop or his “story” and this is not to excuse his guilt (I was guilty), but to say I understand. Cops are human after all, maybe he and his girl had just broken up and he had a few drinks to kill the pain (just an example of a number of things that could have happened). If he was a drinker who had been helped along already, then he needed to finally be stopped. If it was his first time, maybe even his second, and he wasn’t being an ass or doing 100 mph like an idiot, I don’t have a problem with being lenient with him. The courtesy was extended to me, so I believe in the reverse.
  10. Coronavirus vaccinations, Paris Climate Accord, and The American Rescue Plan……please give me your insightful evaluation as to how these benefit Americans like you and me. I’ll wait.
  11. Typical inference by a liberal. Always between the lines. Last week was THE WORST SINCE OCTOBER, but nary a word out of you. You would be a Biden suckup. Your cognitive skills are about equal.
  12. Just curious, what kind of person makes all the money in the world because he is smarter than everyone else, is also the most educated person on the planet, spends his time on a sports message board talking down to inferiors? Would Narcissus come close?
  13. Again, you don’t post the down side so your point is moot. So, imagine if everyone was working. Who killed that DF?
  14. You don’t post the down side. Takes kahunas to do that. Understandable.
  15. It’s what I like about you…..originality. Biden is the deranged one. Don’t you agree?
  16. Where were you last week DF? You know, the worst week since October?
  17. Imagine if pipelines were open and everyone was working……huh huh, golly gee shucks, hillbilly beech. Even Biden can’t totally kill Trump’s economy. Yeah, that’s right…..TRUMP’S economy. Even a pandemic dreamed up by you libs couldn’t kill it. Ha Ha Ha
  18. Thanks. I learn a lot on here sometimes.
  19. Me either, hence my sarcastic post above. Lol
  20. Temporary until the hearing, but gloat away. It’s what liberals are good at. While I have you here, what has Biden done for the American people that is good for them in the long run? ……..runs and hides until the next anti-Trump story pops up.
  21. Gee, I can’t remember the last time I went traveling and forgot my $million in cash in my other suitcase. It was embarrassing, to say the least. TVC, if he was pulled over for speeding or whatever, they run his ID, does it show out of state convictions?
  22. Wow. You’re a freakin genius. Wait till I tell everyone your discovery.
  23. The anti-conservative posts from a conservative news outlet to make his point when it suits his fancy……and fails miserably. I don’t think they have come up with a pet name for that yet. We are referred to as kooks for wanting an investigation into voter fraud this far into a term, but DFs can keep posting against it with ease. Such is the life of a troll. Your mommy should be proud.
  24. Almost got ripped off at a restaurant by the waiter and we caught it. Guess I should say a huge discrepancy. Anyway, we have always checked out tickets so something like this would not go unnoticed. I ever see anything like this, I won’t pay it and will make a slight scene at my displeasure so that a few others might hear. Not at the top of my lungs, mind you, but loud enough to be overheard clearly.
  25. Better to say nothing and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.
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