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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Ain’t it funny how one of the biggest arguments in this country is whether or not a woman has the right to do with her body as she pleases, even to the point of murdering an unborn fetus, but let that same woman decide she doesn’t want to take a vaccine into her body, she gets fired? Oh the irony of the left. All you liberals out there…..you are the sorriest people to walk the face of the earth and I will do everything in my power to bring you down. Nurse fired for refusing COVID vaccine: 'We worked so hard...and they're kicking us to the curb' [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  2. Ain’t it funny how everyone can “get out” and get everything else they want/need in life, but that pesky little voter ID is unobtainable. Anyone who believes such nonsense is a fool.
  3. Unbelievable, yet understandable. Gotta keep those checks rolling in. I always like to read the comments below the video.
  4. I wish to correct the example of Hitler’s pure Aryan race being strictly “white”. Although white was a requirement, they also had to be fair skinned, blonde haired, and blue eyed. As white as I am, I would not have fit the profile and would have been exterminated, had Hitler won. There would also be absolutely no black race. He hated them.
  5. Ok, how many more 7-11/donut shops do we need? Next time you are in a group of cars taking off from a stop light, kinda hang back from “the pack” and watch anyone turning left from the oncoming traffic will turn in front of you. They aren’t about to wait for the last car, which is you. It could be clear for miles behind you but they will still turn in front of you.
  6. Thanks. Couldn’t hold it in. Sprinting has not been part of my vocabulary for awhile, so there’s that. Doctor says that I should walk ok. Thought I would favor that foot but he says no. Thanks Hagar for letting me ramble. Lol
  7. Found out today that I’m gonna lose the big toe. Well, there goes my basketball career.
  8. Let’s see if quoting you makes it work. Answer is yes.
  9. What’s racist about white power? No more racist than any of the other chants, especially against whites. You must be one of the hillbillies of which you speak, or are you just one of their beaches? TDS NOTED
  10. I’m a pretty coordinated guy but I have trouble using crutches, much less try a cane. lol. I am using a walker with two wheels right now to get around. Works very well. Kinda slow, but with a crushed big toe I ain’t in a hurry anyway.
  11. Forgive me for not seeing the problem.
  12. baddog


    Florida will require schools to teach civics and 'evils of communism' [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  13. Link won’t activate.
  14. These won’t be “big” numbers to some people but……. Almost 4,000 fully vaccinated people in Massachusetts have tested positive for COVID-19 [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  15. …….and the difference would be?????
  16. Do not ever attack racism only against blacks. Until one denounces all forms of racism against all races, the cries of racism are racist themself.
  17. I don’t have a problem with what he said.
  18. No championship in the whole world is worth whacking my pee-pee. I’m kinda partial to mine.
  19. What if Ilhan Omar had posted that? Oh yeah, it’s Jews she is racist against. That’s different.
  20. Good for them. The confiscation of their weapons was unconstitutional anyway. They should move to Texas. We can always use some more law-abiding, gun-toting couples.
  21. We should just congratulate her on being mayor instead of highlighting her race and gender. Down the line, will we continue to number them….. 2nd, 3rd, etc…. We are not to see color, yet constantly reminded.
  22. It should be pulled down by ropes……IT’S RACIST!
  23. Even cnn is jumping his bones…. Wow
  24. Heading west on I-10, exiting on Major to go to Ford Park was very difficult on the two laned asphalt overpass. Of course you will always have congestion with fair traffic, but there is much more room now with a turnaround.
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