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Everything posted by baddog

  1. I fly US and Texas flags. When they get tattered, I just go buy a new one. Who is she anyway? Never heard of her. Somehow celebrity gives one a political edge…..NOT!!!!!
  2. Not sure about Walden Road. The Major Drive and Brooks Road overpasses are being converted to I-10 overpasses. Major Drive is completed while Brooks Road is still under construction. It has everything to do with Ford Park traffic. Had my doubts at first, but Major Drive is a huge improvement on appearance and practicality.
  3. Here is what I have been saying for me personally……scroll down to the video. It’s not the first one. [Hidden Content]
  4. Ah, here come the skimmers. There are plenty more just waiting for Biden to release $trillions. This woman is simply an angry, racist, black lesbian, whose “partner” is white. Ever seen a smile on this female dog?
  5. Too late for me. Canceled my company insurance, which used to be the best offer ever. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you the coverage, unless you are interested. Ask someone younger who has a wife and kids if Obamacare is the way to go. I don’t believe in government controlled healthcare, except what I have paid for advance. Healthcare from the government is a type of control….. like mask mandates.
  6. Gotta love it…. Texas clears out state prison to make room for criminal illegal immigrants [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  7. Now you are threatening me? I have a smashed toe but could probably take care of “the mouth”
  8. Whatever troll. You wouldn’t say that to my face, screen wuss.
  9. I was talking about offering anything positive in return, or are we just crossing wires? The Obamacare site crashed for months before getting online, then it became the three ring circus that it was meant to be. I know no one on Obamacare.
  10. Health care costs rose over the years like anything else. Yes health care was high dollar but not unaffordable. I was lucky and had company insurance which paid the majority of the cost. What changed was deductibles. Obamacare really inflated these costs. Finally got to a $5000 deductible and I dropped it. Other’s premiums went through the roof and had to cancel. Obamacare damaged the healthcare insurance industry so bad and offered nothing in return. Let the Republicans attempt to right the ship and come up short and there lies the blame….. you know, the blame game. I’m on Medicare now, which I paid for (actually being funded by those younger than me), and as soon as the dims get through raping the SS system, there will be none left for future generations. I’ve been wrong before but this is the way I see it.
  11. baddog


    That’s hilarious. Too bad the border situation isn’t. At least we have people addressing the crisis….not test driving electric trucks, flying to G7 conferences (what did that accomplish?)and visiting Guatemala ( again, accomplished what?)
  12. Yes, he did. Why should the blame be placed on Republicans to “fix” everything? Health care was doing fine until Obamacare. My solution would be to rid the world of Obamacare and return to company paid, or company assisted, or personal health insurance coverage. Of course individual or personal coverage has become unaffordable due to Obamacare, so there’s that. Of course this thread was authored by a DF troll who has absolutely no clue as to attempting to solve this dilemma. He’s a troll and nothing more. This is what gets him off.
  13. baddog


    Notice no teleprompter or even notes with this guy……all from the heart and well articulated.
  14. Barney Fifes of the state, here’s your bullet. I think for the majority, this is a good law. I do think there will be accidental shootings, but we have those anyway. Some people still aren’t allowed to play with matches.
  15. baddog


    Trump wins, put DeSantis in a position that benefits Americans best. I’m sure Biden/Harris have gotten wind of these maneuvers. Liberals are on their Bat Phones as we speak.
  16. Specks like it salty. I have caught redfish and bass in the exact same spot on live shrimp in Bridge City.
  17. Totally agree. We should go ahead and fence off California.
  18. baddog


    Reminds me of the Tennesseans staying to help fight for the Alamo. If we can’t get Trump elected again, I would vote for DeSantis as I think he may make a run for it.
  19. Very interesting Big Girl. Thank you for answering my post. I was not aware of whites being considered a minority, except in these types of situations. Learn something every day or I might as well be six feet under.
  20. Gotta love this guy….. [Hidden Content]
  21. What proof do you have of this? Post reliable sources, please.
  22. I can’t believe she asked that question. I mean, she and inmagawetrust know everything about everything. Remind me of the professor on Gilligan’s Island….professor of everything except on how to patch a boat.
  23. I would bet so, but no matter how you mix it up, that was still a female at birth. That never changes no matter how many operations you have. Your chromosomes determine gender. So why the verbiage? Male = X&Y chromosomes Female = Y Where is the confusion? It’s all in the grand scheme of things for the liberal objectives.
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