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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Yes, get that total way down and we get to flu levels, which somehow makes no one panic. We have become a population of Howie Mandels.
  2. Two-faced democrat....that’s like saying the sky is blue....
  3. Who needs Russian collusion when you have Dominion? One is an impeachable offense while the other is protected by government entities.
  4. His mannerisms and his feeble attempts to include everyone, his selective memory, all these things tell on a person. If he were truly innocent, he should be pissed at being accused of something so cowardly. His nonchalant attitude towards such criminal accusations is very telling.
  5. Removed or resign? How about arrested for treason, then executed?
  6. another in a long line of liberal POS. His mannerisms are like the kid who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar..
  7. I think the key word in actions such as this is “administration”. Biden does absolutely nothing. “If” he had anything to do with it, he wouldn’t remember it anyway. Biden is not in control at all. He simply signs stuff then doesn’t remember signing it.
  8. Biden resorting to bribery and paying ransom money to terrorists. What a POS. He is not my president.
  9. After seeing what Biden has done in roughly 4 months, I’m glad he did nothing for the entire 180 years he has been in congress.
  10. I wish he wouldn’t hold back and tell Pelosi what he really thinks of her.....lol
  11. They are no better than Hitler who hated the Jews, even though he may have had Jewish ancestors.
  12. She’s kin to a whore and gets a mic stuck in her face. Who really cares what she thinks, but it makes National headlines.
  13. The only police they care about is Capitol Police and Secret Service. The, don’t they carry those awful things called guns?
  14. You haven’t noticed the youngsters in the stores not wearing masks even when it was required? Same for the vaccine. You aren’t very observant are you?
  15. So black people made black books about black people? You can’t see that white anything has to contain black? Are you blind? There is no white only TV network. Whites don’t get bonus points on civil service exams. Black business owners aren’t required to hire a certain percentage of whites. You have done well for yourself. You look the proverbial gift horse in the mouth. Black only club..... Compro on Cardinal Drive
  16. That was an undignified and incompetent thing for him to say.
  17. So here we have a pipeline getting hacked but a voting machine can’t. Makes sense to me.
  18. If Iran develops a nuke, who will be their target? WWIII Biden wants to deal with the largest terrorist nation in the world. Him and Obama..... what dumbasses. Israel gets nuked, bend over and kiss it goodbye.
  19. Someone beat me to it. Look at the comments below the video. The Biden administration hacked this pipeline. Also, Biden shuts down a pipeline and that’s ok. Someone else does it, it is criminal. Think about that for a minute.
  20. That is supposed to say.....more money was made. My ipad sometimes backs up and erases words or parts of words. Now, the 3rd mutated strain affecting India is supposed to affect the rest of the world. Here we go again.
  21. You are aware this includes Iranians, Saudis, Indians, Afghans, Iraqis, Israelis, Palestinians,......etc.
  22. The DOJ had no business interfering with State affairs.
  23. There’s one!
  24. Me too, but she identifies as a male or alpha male, take your pick, so that makes her “special” and she is to be treated with kid gloves. Lmao
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