I can assume that lots the Virus deaths were attributed to Covid when the actual cause of death may have been “natural”..... but they had Covid, it was counted as a Covid death so that more y was made. Sad, but true. There is greed everywhere.
What point are you trying to make.....that black men with lots of money date and marry out of their race. Says a lot about how they feel towards their own race.
Can’t wait till she’s gone. She wouldn’t make a pimple on Kayleigh McEnany’s tail. Most unprepared WH press secretary ever. She is also a big, fat liar. I thought lying was first on the Trump hater’s list. Must depend on who’s doing the lying. Two-faced leftys.
They should at least put food coloring just ahead of the deadly dose so the POS can see it coming..... play some “Jaws” music with it....da da da da da da
Lost 4 years of his magic to the Navy. The thing that stood out about Staubach, among those already mentioned, was his competitive nature. I believe it was Landry who said that even if Roger was playing Tiddly Winks, he would do his utmost to beat you.