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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Do people really believe that Biden came up with this? The man has to pause if you ask him his name.
  2. Oh yeah, that word. Xeno prefix means nothing to me. Probably Latin. I kinda like Indianophobe. At least I can remember it. Lol
  3. I made up Indianophobe. I really don’t know what new word is applicable. Lol
  4. Biden’s a racist and an Indianophobe.
  5. ......in one house....
  6. Biden couldn’t find his mask and says he’s gonna be in trouble, just like he said when he was asked to take another question. WHO THE HECK IS HE IN TROUBLE WITH?
  7. I just can’t let myself believe that a man, especially a cop, could murder someone in broad daylight, knowing there are plenty of witnesses and that it is being videoed. Evidence that could be tainted in certain towns controlled by leftists with agendas, mobs that can sway jurors, no change of venue, and not one juror who would hang the verdict, doesn’t sit right with me. It’s like everyone wanted the cop to be guilty for justice’s sake, yet none of the mob are satisfied.....”on to the next one” like Lebron James said. When a cop killing a criminal gets world news coverage, there is so much more to it than we can comprehend.
  8. Name the suppressed voters. Voter ID is NOT suppression. Who’s your hero, Biden? OMG......lmao
  9. I’m always the skeptic, but I believe there is more to this story than what we know.
  10. I didn’t watch the crap because I pretty much knew it would be depressing words from a mentally incapacitated man. I have seen some pics from the address. I focused on Kamala and Nancy sitting behind Biden. They looked like a couple of vultures waiting for Biden to die. Did Nancy tear this speech up? Probably not worth the bother.
  11. My prediction was May 24th. We should have gotten a board up.
  12. A nervous laugh such as hers is an attempt to laugh off stupidity. She and Biden together have the IQ of a doorknob.
  13. 6 people out of a population of 8.4 million..... shouldn’t even register on a stat chart.
  14. An automobile is a very deadly weapon and lethal force can be used by police. Ask the POS in Beaumont at the Jack-In-The-Box, who was wearing his bullet-proof vest at the time, what cops can do when you attempt to run them over. Never mind, that POS Is dead too.
  15. Show me the pics of the perpetrators. Inmagawetrust demands pics and so do I. Don’t quote me again if you can’t respond to my question. Thank you.
  16. I love Texas. Greatest state in the union.
  17. I love Texas. Greatest state in the Union.
  18. I believe life begins at conception. The baby’s heartbeat simply means he is pumping on his own while still getting oxygen and nutrients from the mother. He was already ALIVE. Like you said, it is a huge step.
  19. In my defense, there are certain governmental departments that I do trust, FDA being one. It has been around long before this regime. I think everyone, at some point, has lost faith in our government. Since the 15 people are only a stat and no one cares because it is simply a few, maybe they would not be dead with more testing. But hey, at least they didn’t die from Covid.
  20. Man, if I set a bomb outside congress, I’d still be in jail. The left followers are so blind and they don’t care.
  21. I think the left is skimming billions upon billions of dollars from these trillion$ bills and paying people to move from blue states to red to flip them. I don’t put anything past these low lifes.
  22. Thanks for the analysis. It still got through.
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