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Everything posted by baddog

  1. I think he had an epiphany. And a six pack of loud mouths..... like you implied.
  2. Well, we know who the communists are.
  3. Man, I’m just posting news bits. Thanks for the analysis.
  4. You could write scripts or note cards for Biden. He makes about as much sense.
  5. LIVE UPDATES: Andrew Brown Jr. deputy-involved shooting under FBI civil rights investigation [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  6. What a great song that was/is. You know you are talking above a lot of people’s heads.
  7. NYC is the A-hole of the world. What color were these people? Throw some pics up there for crying out loud.
  8. That would be me, but I also don’t believe the 572,000 number.
  9. Suits me fine. He can go jump in a lake 3 times and come up twice.
  10. Biden will be dead in 10 years. So will I. Gonna eat as much red meat as I can. Gonna eat all the pinto beans that I can so as to pollute via methane gas.
  11. Think of all the crimes committed on foot and those that end in a foot chase. Now they won’t fear getting caught = more crime.
  12. I hope everyone views this. No one has said it better.
  13. man, I’ve heard it all..... [Hidden Content]
  14. I still wonder how the Olympics will respond to this. They have been using the cheek swab for years because of the eastern Europeans.
  15. This is our president? How embarrassing....
  16. Nope, I’ve felt that way for years. My sympathies only go so deep, then one has to help themself. I wasn’t put here to worry about everyone else’s situation. No one worries about mine, and I’m the bad guy.
  17. Thats the big girl I know and love. Congratulations, you just passed Spelling 101. Who said you said all cops are bad? I still think there are two people using your account. People’s personalities and the way they express themselves can be seen in their text. I like the new and improved big girl. Is it a Pfizer product?
  18. What a bunch of BS. I wouldn’t make a good cop. If the cop had just stood there and watched her stab the woman, then they would be hollering why didn’t he shoot her. I have no sympathy here.
  19. What a great video. This man speaks the truth. You will see no more comments from Big Girl.
  20. Fear is a great motivator.
  21. [Hidden Content]
  22. I think Big Girl got hacked or she is on a new med.
  23. Wish I would have seen this before I made my list on another thread. Geez.
  24. Everything the left does is all part of a grand scheme. Call me paranoid, stupid, ignorant, any of a number of names, but to defeat a people without military support, the attack must come from within. You must destroy and/or condone these things.... in no particular order..... 1. Religion 2. The family unit 3. Indoctrination 4. Gun control 5. Legalize marijuana 6. Chaos 7. Protection (police) 8. Borders 9. Voting rights 10. Racism 11. History 12. Heroes 13. Control Lots more, I’m sure. These are of the top of my head. Remember, you can put destroy or condone in front of where they apply. I’m still locked and loaded.
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