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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Would that 3% also include all of the highway workers in Houston. Inquiring minds want to know. When agendas have to be met, the 7500 don’t mean didley.
  2. If all universities are systemically racist, how the heck did she get into Vanderbilt? Apparently they grade on a curve. She doesn’t know crap from Shinola.
  3. What is the problem blacks have with Asians? Poor woman should have had a gun and shot the batch. Hey, but that’s California for ya.
  4. When a situation is on video, I assume it was staged for your entertainment, unless it’s a police body cam.
  5. Don’t some people already get tax equality with earned income credit, you know, like paying in $1600 and getting back $8000?
  6. They want to stack the court so that it can be ruled illegal to own a firearm. This will start another civil war.
  7. It will make black’s racism towards whites go away. Lmao
  8. Funniest thing I have seen in a while.
  9. Ok, start throwing the bricks at me. I can eat my steak PINK, but not red. I have at least advanced from well, to medium plus. Ok, got that out of the way. My son orders his.....cut its horns off and wipe its arse. I think he could walk up to a live cow, peel back some hide, and bite it with his teeth.
  10. How can anybody expect her to have a news conference about something she knows absolutely about? What would her presence at the border solve? She has no plan. She is probably too high on pot and they don’t want to see her laughing uncontrollably.
  11. I used Wal Mart as an example. If they smash the windows and kick down the door, would this not tell me they are not open for business? During the LA riots, there was video of an Asian man shooting looters in his business and he was open for business.
  12. Made my kids have conscience. It’s lost on today’s youth. No respect for anyone and no responsibility for their actions. I’ve had people compliment me on how I raised my two boys. My oldest, before he passed, he and some of his friends would go to old folks homes and dance with the older women to make them feel young again. He was a very good one. Miss him everyday. My youngest is doing well. Very proud of him.
  13. Interesting. Now terminology does have some meaning. Entering a capitol building is burglary and deadly force can be used, whereas theft and looting at Wal Mart is misdemeanor theft and not burglary? Of course it is burglary and deadly force should be used defending it. This is the point I was trying to make.
  14. I’ve tried steaks at all the steakhouses. Seem they are all hit n’ miss. My favorite place for steaks now is Carraba’s. The 10 oz. sirloin is amazing. Always get it right. As a side note, I just finished eating some fried crappie and deep fried potatoes. Hard to beat.
  15. I’m cool with that. I was just letting him know that was not what my post was about.
  16. Wow, and I’m constantly condemned for watching Fox. Ahhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Talk about sheeple.....ahhhh ha ha ha ha. Trump called them “Fake News” and he was right. Of course all of us Southeast Texans of a lesser mind knew this all along. Hey Maga, you still able to read but not post? I knew you were spoon-fed this gullible crap. What a moron (oops, I just insulted morons everywhere) YIKES!!!!! Reagan, I hope you splatter facebook with this video. All cnn reporters should have their press badges revoked. Propaganda is the work of the devil.......and liberals. One shouldn’t be able to work as a reporter after using propaganda on the public.
  17. Apples to lawnmowers? So, if this same dead woman had breached (terminology has no effect on me) the D.C. Wal Mart she would have survived, with no shots even being fired. Same mayor. I don’t care much for the officer’s name being revealed.
  18. They have already been tracking us. Mention anything, let’s use AC units for an example. Talk about air conditioning around your phone. Tell me if you don’t start seeing AC ads in side bars on your phone, Facebook, etc. Heck, my phone “knows” when I am getting in my vehicle to leave work. It prompts me the mileage and time to reach destination to my house. I thought that was weird and info I don’t really need, but there it is.
  19. What I find difficult to understand is this..... if you “breach” a wall at the Capitol, you will be shot dead with no consequences for the officer. If this same person were to throw Molotov cocktails at buildings with people inside them, it’s considered peaceful protesting. Also, you can “breach” Wal Mart for that big screen TV you have been wanting and get a pat on the back. No shots fired at all, not even pepper spray.
  20. I’ve had Covid. Believe me, you’ll know you have it. Don’t need a microchip to tell you. These will be tracking and identifying chips..... probably for extermination purposes. Maybe that’s what you hinted at.
  21. I guess if I ever get audited by the IRS, I can go to court and have it blocked?
  22. We The People need to make Marc Elias go away.
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