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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Mayhem is a key ingredient for socialist takeover. Divide and conquer. I still say that if you kill a couple of these thugs, all the crap will stop. I’m sure the pepper spray was effective.
  2. .... but why would we need this if there is NO voter fraud?
  3. Wouldn’t it be better to turn the teleprompter so we can all read it and get rid of this clown?
  4. .......”Good paying jobs in fields that haven’t been invented yet”.....you can’t make this stuff up....
  5. ....and Portland expects to fight this type of criminal with pepper spray.
  6. Two-faced Biden. You could go back 20-25 years on Trump and he would have the same views then as now. This guy is a POS.
  7. Biden in 1993....
  8. 82,000,000 voted for this? I’ll never believe that.
  9. I think these vaccinations are another tool for selective survival.
  10. I worry most about Conceal Carry Licensed individuals being at the top of a list. I really can’t add to your post as you have covered the plan very well.
  11. But....but..Biden said that when FDR tried it that it was a “bonehead” idea.
  12. I hope those soldiers are wearing masks and social distancing...... the Biden way.
  13. Gone again? Wow, just when we were getting so close. Yikes!
  14. Always with the name calling. You haven’t been Jap slapped recently, have you?
  15. Why do we have to do that? Because you say so? I can have an opinion on anything and not have to explain it to anyone if I choose.
  16. Haven’t seen it either. Inmagawetrust should have already asked someone to post his pic.
  17. Then it is stupid AF to post about the stock market, dee wee.
  18. ......”Shall Not Be Infringed”!!!!
  19. Man, and I thought the judges who place these punks on probation were elected officials. What’s political about the stock market? Yet we get updates when the going is good under Biden. Typical democrat.....shoots himself in the foot all the time.
  20. Instead of trading barbs with you, I should have responded by saying the politics involved in a young man having a rap sheet as long as your arm is very concerning. Everything is political nowadays.... from MLB, NFL, Pelosi getting her hair done, even something as mundane as going to school, politics rules. Sad, but true.
  21. What do you have to do with anything, DF?
  22. Yes, start out lame to get the ball rolling. Then when that does nothing, more drastic measures are needed. Biden is such a puppet.
  23. I’d say it’s the length of the rap sheet for a 16 year old. I don’t want to “add” to the sheet. The sheet should have ended long ago.
  24. .... in this video?
  25. Gave the Port Arthur Vietnamese refugees something like &40,000 back in the 70s. They should sue.
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