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Everything posted by baddog

  1. baddog

    This One

    The expressions on this guy’s face says it all.
  2. You know, the lack of planning on their part doesn’t create an emergency on my part. We are left holding the bag when these kid’s parents don’t care about them anyway. I could never do that to one of my kids..... turn them loose at a border and tell them to find a place to stay until I can join you. What a crock.
  3. Gun control executive orders won’t float in Texas and several other states.
  4. .....was voted into office? She must have had a tough stance on issues. Read some of the comments.
  5. So far left for his minions.... these are the ones I blame......the so-called democrats who have not yet converted to communism. I have been told it is the Republicans who have not taken a stand. I have yet to see one democrat vote against any of these communist policies.
  6. This was the chart I found awhile back and had trouble finding it again. Thanks for posting. The numbers don’t lie.
  7. CDC changes positions more than Kamala Harris at Willie Brown’s house. (Stole that)
  8. No update for April 6th? How about April 7th? Must be waiting on Biden to pass another $2 TRILLION stimulus package deal for Schumer and Pelosi to siphon their “fair” share.
  9. It’s enough to drive her to smoke dope. When she doesn’t know what to say, she tries to laugh her way out of it. Dumbass said Hanukkah.
  10. I can’t believe that Biden and this buffoon got 83,000,000 votes. I never will no matter what anybody says.
  11. He will be fired and replaced.
  12. I’ll take it a step further. I hope he broke his hip and walks with a limp the rest of his life. The biggest problem I see here is the people watching and filming the whole thing.
  13. Dan Rather thought the world owed him a living because he covered the Vietnam war. Then, to replace Cronkite, well that went straight to his head. I haven’t watched 60 minutes in a very long time.
  14. Here’s what Biden’s exceptional leadership can do for Americans. Real Americans already knew this would happen. Those with their heads in the sand, well.....
  15. Forget you. You’re nothing but a blow hard.
  16. Troll not even making sense, but what else is new?
  17. Dude, you must be the stupid one placing blame by posting every time it goes up. Not once did you start a thread for last year’s markets.
  18. Brainwashed is the inability to post without referencing Trump. Where does that leave you?
  19. Oh contraire, the markets are blessing me, but it wasn’t because of you savior. Is that all the troll can do now, call me names? LMAO.
  20. Famous one liner. While you are here, what has Biden done for Americans? About the same as Obama did for black people? LMAO. Now who is the idoit?
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