Warren Moon was one of the best QBs I have ever seen play. He was passed on by the NFL because they weren’t ready for a black QB. Dak Prescott reminds me of Moon because both were right handed and could roll to their left and, throwing across their body, and could still get enough on the ball to knock you down. Moon took the Oilers to the playoffs and Houston couldn’t even sell out a home playoff game. It was blacked out..... and Oiler fans wonder why they moved to Nashville. How’s that Big Girl?
Too many things have to come together for a team to win a SB. When you have a scrambler, he is someone depended on to somehow beat you with his legs. Defenses can gear up for this and shut it down. The pocket passer..... if the defense cannot sack the QB, he will always beat you with his arm. Has nothing to do with brains. Dan Marino was one of the best all time passers and never won a SB.
Ok. Mods can insert this into the sports forum if need be.
Well gee tvc. I read the article and it was all about guns. So was the title of the article. It even discussed red flag laws which have yet to come before the court.
Baylor is a private college and very difficult to obtain admittance. May be one of the most expensive, too. Your grades have to be up there, but you will need assistance with the dough. $140,000 will get you 3 semesters at Baylor, if not less. She has absolutely nothing to cry about race issues yet, here she is. What a blowhard.
So...... he thinks the real Hitler would have spared his Muslim behind? Hitler was out to rule the world and create the perfect race of people. Muslims did not fit into his ideals. Lmao
Man you led a sheltered life. You can probably count on one hand the number of whites at the post office. I would expound but I’m not talking to Big Girl. Too many words in one post for her.
His mannerisms and his feeble attempts to include everyone, his selective memory, all these things tell on a person. If he were truly innocent, he should be pissed at being accused of something so cowardly. His nonchalant attitude towards such criminal accusations is very telling.
I think the key word in actions such as this is “administration”. Biden does absolutely nothing. “If” he had anything to do with it, he wouldn’t remember it anyway. Biden is not in control at all. He simply signs stuff then doesn’t remember signing it.