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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Man, I thought just the people on this board thought it was Biden’s policies. Everyone else blamed Trump.
  2. Y’all seem to come in pairs.
  3. You draw weird conclusions.
  4. Exactly why Trump wanted them both to submit to a drug test. Biden would have failed miserably.
  5. So this makes you a nobody......=....TROLL Even a troll should be upset with green screening.
  6. None of the men walk with kids on their shoulders for very long either. It’s all staged.
  7. She couldn’t walk a block without a breather.
  8. Hey, at least I called you smart guy. I get peanut brain. Doesn’t seem fair. I’m headed to my safe space. I don’t agree with your statement because.....with everything about democrats being fake or exaggerated ( which = fake to me) how can you possibly believe 82 million people voted for that yo-yo? Serious question. Also, how can we believe the exaggerated death toll from covid? I don’t and will never be convinced....why? Look at the US death rates from just the last 10 years. With Covid being such the killer by itself, shouldn’t the death toll have risen significantly for 2020? Keep following that carrot dangling from that cane pole.
  9. What do you call this, smart guy? It’s all fake, smoke and mirrors, and you fall for it. So do lots of other people and that is sad. Still believe the 82 million? Lmao
  10. I feel safer already. I can tell you why there is a crisis at the southern border without having to view it. [Hidden Content]
  11. Since you didn’t comment (knew you wouldn’t) those TEENS who set fire to the 53 year old white guy in his house, burned over 70% of his body with 2nd and 3rd degree burns (he later succumbed) were black. Did it even make a scratch with your news sources? Of course not. I guess the blacks and msm have determined this is no big deal. You really don’t care about other’s lives so why pick this battle? Does it give you trolling power? The whole point of my thread was to show how Trump got blamed. Only dumbasses think like that.
  12. Do you realize how stupid you look by not reading the article?
  13. What else can it be called? [Hidden Content]
  14. They can protest in front of my house as long as they stay on street. Start harassing me and we will see who gets harassed.
  15. Like you said....refreshing. I bet the loser said this guy was a meanie to him and threw him on the floor. Lol
  16. So sorry to hear this. Prayers for all his family and friends.
  17. Sadly, someone else is doing Biden’s thinking for him.
  18. Biden......like passing a great idea in front of your boss. He won’t like it unless he thought of it.
  19. Everything goes right over your head. You don’t even have to duck. Lmao
  20. Like I said....no cods.
  21. Thought I’d supply some video footage for your thread. Hope you don’t mind. She is easy on the eyes.
  22. Lmao. Should change the name of Air Force 1. The military connection might frighten some panty-weight out there.
  23. Man, when I read the title, I thought we had a Kumbaya moment with staffers and “drop her pants” Harris. No one cares about her admitted dope smoking and promiscuity, but let Trump utter some locker room words and he should be crucified.
  24. He wanted to spin my thread into a racial angle instead of commenting on Pelosi’s TDS. Trump’s fault.....how pathetic. I have already expressed my concern and embarrassment over the fact that most mass murderers are white. Fact of life I can’t deny. He doesn’t have the cods to admit anything “special” about other races. I wonder if he knows what race the teens were who set fire to a man in his apartment in Rochester NY? Probably too obscure of a story and he may not have heard. If the races were reversed, the story would be front page headlines for the Communist News Network. Now, back to Pelosi and my thread.......what a POS she is. Who is it that believes anything she says. Step forward or at least raise your hand. I like to see what morons look like.
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