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Everything posted by baddog

  1. So now Trump is Hitler...... but he voted for him TWICE! Shouldn’t he then have his flattened palm in the air? Lmao
  2. So do blacks.
  3. I don’t trust the US numbers due to the fact that hospitals made more money off Covid cases, you know, the ones who were inundated with Covid cases, especially the the temp hospitals set up in parking lots that had zero patients. The people who make the money are the mask people, hand sanitizer people (take your pick), and the panic media (exaggerated numbers for the fear factor) who continue to beat their drums in the name of seeing this country going down the toilet.
  4. What does the release of prisoners have to do with leaving political office? There should be some way to stop this from happening. Newsom should be tarred and feathered.
  5. That would make them fiction, correct?
  6. Funny how cops can’t apply their right to free speech, but are called on to protect people who want to apply theirs. This country is nuts.
  7. Cops can’t be sarcastic towards their haters, especially white cops.
  8. New Coke was a gimmick to send the sale of real coke sky-rocketing once it hit the shelves again. Why else would anyone stop making the #1 selling soft drink in the world?
  9. Sounds exactly like the Gestapo to me.
  10. Good answer
  11. Haven’t seen you on the Arizona election audit thread. What gives?
  12. Kerry invested in fossil fuels and then denounced them for climate change, except for jet fuel! What a POS!
  13. Do people really believe that Biden came up with this? The man has to pause if you ask him his name.
  14. Oh yeah, that word. Xeno prefix means nothing to me. Probably Latin. I kinda like Indianophobe. At least I can remember it. Lol
  15. I made up Indianophobe. I really don’t know what new word is applicable. Lol
  16. Biden’s a racist and an Indianophobe.
  17. ......in one house....
  18. Biden couldn’t find his mask and says he’s gonna be in trouble, just like he said when he was asked to take another question. WHO THE HECK IS HE IN TROUBLE WITH?
  19. I just can’t let myself believe that a man, especially a cop, could murder someone in broad daylight, knowing there are plenty of witnesses and that it is being videoed. Evidence that could be tainted in certain towns controlled by leftists with agendas, mobs that can sway jurors, no change of venue, and not one juror who would hang the verdict, doesn’t sit right with me. It’s like everyone wanted the cop to be guilty for justice’s sake, yet none of the mob are satisfied.....”on to the next one” like Lebron James said. When a cop killing a criminal gets world news coverage, there is so much more to it than we can comprehend.
  20. Name the suppressed voters. Voter ID is NOT suppression. Who’s your hero, Biden? OMG......lmao
  21. I’m always the skeptic, but I believe there is more to this story than what we know.
  22. I didn’t watch the crap because I pretty much knew it would be depressing words from a mentally incapacitated man. I have seen some pics from the address. I focused on Kamala and Nancy sitting behind Biden. They looked like a couple of vultures waiting for Biden to die. Did Nancy tear this speech up? Probably not worth the bother.
  23. My prediction was May 24th. We should have gotten a board up.
  24. A nervous laugh such as hers is an attempt to laugh off stupidity. She and Biden together have the IQ of a doorknob.
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