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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Probably from Facebook, texts, phone calls, etc.... Normal people are sick of this crap.
  2. We know how Rep. Greene feel about this stuff.
  3. Who does this upset? They should be shot.
  4. I figured you did. I had to say it for Big Girl’s sake. You know, the medical field specialist.
  5. Showing who the mask protects.
  6. Ooooohhhh, my feelings are so hurt.
  7. Smartphone, internet? Don’t care about SPOUTING OFF on those things, but their technology came from baby boomers, the greatest generation the planet has ever known.
  8. Calling you a crybaby is being a snowflake or is it that you haven’t had a chance to use the term today and saw your opportunity? I got your snowflake....
  9. It’s not age, it’s mental faculties. I don’t care about young whipper snappers shooting their mouths off to the previous generations because they’re crybabies. Always with the condescension. You should be proud.
  10. You would have to be close to being a baby boomer to know that, so wtf? There have been more advances in technology in the past 60-70 years than in any other spot in time in the history of the world. You are what is so wrong with this world. No respect for your elders. I’d get a slap across the mouth for not saying sir or ma’am. I’d put my money on a baby boomer teaching you some manners.
  11. In a sterile operating environment, with the patient on the table, WHO ARE WEARING THE MASKS? I’ll leave it at that and let you figure out where I’m going with this. I’m sure I will have to explain it to SUPPOSEDLY SOMEONE IN THE MEDICAL FIELD.
  12. Great article. The left won’t read it. Too many big words, especially for Big Girl.
  13. Don’t know why he mentioned Biden. He doesn’t even know what’s in this package.
  14. Not only out of touch, but shows how people can’t deal with society in general. If one can’t bring themself up to another’s level, then one must tear them down to theirs. It is truly a bunch of crybabies that can’t hack it.
  15. I like being white and don’t know how I can be any less white. Wouldn’t do it if I could just to accommodate a cry baby.
  16. Congrats. You did a fine job raising a son. I’m a Methodist and mess up the repeats at Catholic weddings. lol. Your son will do fine.
  17. Yep, and he runs from questions about Cuomo.
  18. Ah, the name calling. It’s where you live. Clever too, for a 3rd grader.
  19. People who want to view pointless posts need not look further than any of yours.
  20. Swooooosh. Didn’t even have to duck.
  21. If you throw science in my face, at least be consistent......
  22. Then why chime in at all?
  23. Good post mat. Your last sentence stating that they mean well.......maybe sometimes, but there are a lot of evil people in this world who don’t give a damn about you or me, and they are governing us right now......and I do mean evil and full of wickedness.
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