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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Your posts make me laugh bruh. Wtf is that? Tell me genius, what has Biden done that is so much better than Trump? Haven’t gotten an answer to that one yet.
  2. Still make my decisions with my mind. When you only make decisions AGAINST a white man, who is doing the thinking? All was told to you too. Prove it’s not true.
  3. As you head north, lots of things are done differently. Water service lives to your house are roughly 12” deep in Texas. Up north, they are 3’. Rafters on a house in Texas are 2x6, some of the older houses are 2x4 with bracing. Up north they are 2x10. So being unprepared for a freak storm isn’t something to blame states for. We prepare for hurricanes and they still destroy our towns. Ain’t it funny how aoc thinks we should convert to green power while most people in the frigid north heat their homes with heating oil...... shipped up there from Beaumont and Port Arthur?
  4. Read this [Hidden Content]
  5. Covid is a hoax.... so much deception. The election was stolen. Antifa was part of the insurrection. I think with my own mind and sleep well at night.
  6. Potential job killing aoc (remember Amazon in NY) needs to shut her trap and stay in New York where she has done nothing to improve anything there. Typical lib butinski.
  7. baddog


    Rush did radio like a steak.....a rare medium well done. Difficult to replace. Hagar mentioned Paul Harvey. I grew up listening to him. He had a serious and humorous side. To me, what made him so great was his pauses....even in his sign off. Sorry, not trying to overshadow the passing of Limbaugh, just didn’t want to start another thread. Rush will be sorely missed. R.I.P.
  8. I just can’t come to terms with some of the stuff that flows out of her mouth. Unfreakinbelievable and scary.
  9. Solar panels don’t recycle either.
  10. They also “think”, and I use the term loosely, that throwing $billions at climate change will change the climate or make it less polluted......like Greta’s car rear seat and floorboard. I tend to think more like George Carlin (r.i.p.).....the planet will be fine. We’ll just rename it “The Earth Plus Plastic”
  11. Libs don’t think that far ahead, if they think at all.
  12. A true masterpiece. Lmao.
  13. baddog


    So, you follow MSM for your news? Look at what they are willing to do to control your mind...... [Hidden Content]
  14. Here’s something to ponder....If the power grids can’t handle 20* temperatures for a few days, how in the world are they going to handle 100,000,000 electrics cars charging every night?
  15. Mine is back on, stays on for about ten minutes, goes off, then right back on for about ten minutes. Done this more than a dozen times. At least I’m getting my house heated again.
  16. It’s something like how many degrees the earth has warmed in 50 to 100 years.....maybe 1 degree. Something like that anyway. Man made global warming is blamed on fossil fuels emitting carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases which trap heat in the atmosphere keeping the earth warmer than it should be. That’s the theory anyway. Hope that helps.
  17. Here’s a new leader for you libs. He fits right in with all the stupidity...ex gang banger....you asked for it....here it is... [Hidden Content]
  18. Man, that’s spot on. Lol
  19. She’s a real pip...
  20. Really. What does being Catholic have to do with anything? Is she in good standing? Last time she went to church she began to melt. I guess hatred is reserved for the protestants. Lol
  21. Hey libs, here’s one of your leaders at her finest.... people actually follow this?
  22. Trump’s fault
  23. Dims are all three.
  24. Is 20* a little chill? That’s about like saying “barely” pregnant.
  25. We need a video of someone tearing up the articles of impeachment in front of Pelosi (like she did the SOTU address). Guess we would need two videos to do that.
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