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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Man, I thought you died. Lol This guy is talented. Think of all the Elvis impersonators and wannabees. To get some of Elvis’ old band members to play with you is indeed an honor and means you impressed them.
  2. 5) at Pelosi’s
  3. He stepped deep in their ant bed. Congress needed a cleaning and he did what he could. Sadly, he had little help.
  4. Dims are already planning their attack for 2024.
  5. This is nothing more that siphoning money. Who keeps an eye on politician’s bank accounts? That’s what we need.
  6. This is nothing more than siphoning money. Who keeps an eye on politician’s bank accounts? That’s what we need.
  7. LRF, here is a guy who shares our opinions and asks the same question...lol
  8. Not my topic chump. Reread thread title and author. What does it have to do with libs?
  9. Of course. Everyone is more stupid than you. Such is the troll life. You really need to work on that narcissism. How old are you again?....9?
  10. Anti-Trump is always the answer because Biden is a dufus. Biden does fit their IQ though.
  11. You must be as stupid as your name. No one else has trouble reading that and what it means. Why does soemone have to be 80 years old or something. What the hell does that mean. I’d put my koney on an 80 years old whipping your tail.
  12. Ego fed.....good for you.
  13. Yes. I try and stand FOR something in my life. Always taking the negative is just too easy. Woe is me, it’s their fault, mommy they were mean to me, everything is race related or some type of phobia.....negativism.....it’s for the true crybabies and the “never have to commit” crowd. It’s a safe space for those who never think they are wrong because standing for something has to be defended against the crowd I just mentioned.
  14. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  15. Hey name caller, what do you care about the nfl and whether or not I watch it? I only post to keep my little troll’s ego fed.
  16. Hey peanut, did you see the following video or conveniently skipped past it? Saw a video of antifa punks donning Trump supporter outfits. You need to expand your news watching past communist news network.
  17. Here you go twit. Are you the cop with his gun drawn? Oops, he doesn’t feel threatened.
  18. Sure does.
  19. You mean the antifa Dumas with the bull horns? He has already been shown to be a Trump infiltrator. Him and lots of others. If I’m so low IQ’d, why are you attempting to match wits with me? Wouldn’t you call what they were doing a peaceful protest? I have seen much worse been referred to as such.
  20. No, I am consistent with my convictions. A criminal is a criminal. Making bail for rioters by a politician, threatening SC justices, telling them to form a crowd and get in people’s faces, and getting Scalise shot and others fired upon shows criminal intent and incites violence. Not one peep have I heard against any of these democrats. Trump says to fight like you never have before but be peaceful does not incite violence, yet here you are wanting to throw him “under the jail”. This shows a total lack of conviction in your heart.
  21. So it’s ok to bail out Molotov cocktail throwing thugs and looters? That’s where you lose me.
  22. I’ve seen some of this trial. People think Trump is a clown????? These yo-yos are doing nothing more than getting their 15 minutes. Barnum & Bailey could use some new acts. Really? People really watch this crapola and don’t realize how damaging this is to us as a nation? And you call yourselves enlightened and educated?
  23. By not condemning them for their actions but you’re all over this one. You don’t see that? You have to have conviction in your life.
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