You want to bury Trump for supposedly inciting a riot, while Maxine Watters, Chuck Schumer, and Bernie Sanders all incited riots, but they all get a pass from you...... no principles whatsoever. That better? Always have to spell it out for you.
Who said they knew in advance? This laughable impeachment gets you all tingly but you are willing to overlook so many things that are much worse. You have no principles..... more of a whichever way the wind blows, as long as you can attempt to nail Trump. Pitiful.
Love the good old stuff. Don’t make music like that anymore (I liked the Four Tops). I just thought it was worth mentioning that they were all dead but still touring. I guess if dead people can vote, they might as well be able to tour. Lol
Mine lived on a commune in Oregon. That should tell you all you need to know about her. I love her to death but we don’t talk politics. It’s useless...kinda like on this board.
Drove to Houston to pick her up from the airport. Complained that I picked her up in a gas hog. Told her she was welcome to walk. Guess what? She was willing to overlook it this time. I didn’t even mention the jet fuel hog she just flew in on. lol
Ok, don’t deport them. Put them in jail here. Keeps them off the streets. I don’t see how laws on the books can be overridden by a demented old fool. How would a liberal feel if his daughter was raped. Would he say let them go?
Sitting in a restaurant and heard “Just My Imagination” ..... fine song. Then I realized that they are all dead but they are still touring. Oh well, still enjoy the music.
We’re going to vote Abbott out and bring in Trump. Call it “The New Republic of Texas” and build a wall on all borders. The average income of Texicans will soar.