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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Americans were never second under Trump and you know that, dee wee. I’ve noticed you can’t post without some reference to Trump. TDS noted. You’re as bad as cnn. Ratings tank without Trump to lie about. What does Obamacare have to do with teaching illegal aliens?
  2. What color is this dude, smart guy?
  3. What are they going to teach them, American history? Do the teachers have to be bilingual? What do they do at recess?
  4. Haven’t taken my first one.
  5. Taking dead people off of voter rolls is voter suppression. Lmfao.
  6. Kool-aid is right. I still can’t believe there are people who think exactly opposite of me, but here is proof. One question.....why should we be compassionate towards people INVADING our country? That question will be side-stepped.
  7. Is that when you will no longer be a troll?
  8. Good answer as expected.
  9. Where are alligator tears Schumer and fake crybaby aoc?
  10. Cruz needs to say, with a finger in her face, I am a Senator who represents the State of Texas, and that is MY border. Get out of my way or be arrested. Texas is a member of the United States but we still maintain our sovereign rights to protect or own border. Abbott needs to send more national guard troops and use his authority to arrest those that will not allow entry into these facilities. Sure, it’s a national border, but it is Texas’ first and foremost. Take these illegals and ship them to the coast of Virginia near D.C. and cut them loose. What’s the freakin’ difference?
  11. Green screen Joe and drop her pants Kamala should be ashamed for not allowing news crews in to film that. The sorry illegals should know this awaits them, yet here they are. News crews were allowed to film aoc crying through a fence to an empty parking lot. Where is aoc now?
  12. Trump was building a wall to keep them out. Biden opens up the border to let them in. Yeah, I can see how confusing that is. What a fake president we have......him and all his cronies. They do nothing but perpetuate lies.
  13. Kids are grown. Gun lover like his dad. Grand baby to young to get into stuff but I do have a safe.
  14. Walther .380 for the lady. They come in lady colors too. My wife has one. She loves it.
  15. I heard the FN manufacturer made those rounds for their troops, which the FN was their side arm replacement. They penetrate Kevlar. I bet they are hard to get.
  16. I just acquired some American Eagle FMJBT. I have one 50 round box of blue tips. What are the reds.... armor piercing? lol
  17. I have shot a friend’s FN 5.7. Very sweet... could hit with it immediately. Myself, I just got the Ruger equivalent.... the 57 with the 20 round clip. Ammo is ridiculously priced.
  18. Me too. I’m waiting for someone to ask why I have a 100 round mag.
  19. My 20 ga. is a Remington 870. I don’t have an AR, but I do have a Ruger Mini-14 Ranch with a 100 round drum mag. lol
  20. I haven’t met a liberal yet that didn’t know everything.
  21. Wish I would have thought of that.
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