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Everything posted by baddog

  1. LIVE UPDATES: LIVE UPDATES: Trump just announced his new impeachment trial legal defense team [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  2. how, in vaccines, global warming, fossil fuels, the ozone layer, and countless other topics....believe the science. When it comes, to gender, science is wrong? The left is never consistent with their off-the-wall crapola. I cannot believe how people actually think this way.
  3. Don’t forget the B52 that they can’t improve the aeronautics on, simply upgrade the electronics.
  4. Obiden/Bama administration. He didn’t even flinch after saying it.
  5. Seriously? Can’t get HIS OWN NAME RIGHT without a teleprompter? People who voted for this must really want Kamala.
  6. baddog


    October was the worst month for me. I have recouped my losses up until this week. I am staying, just not real familiar with hedge funds so I asked.
  7. I believe so. Just to hit on your point of human interaction, when I go out in public, I make it a point to say hi to people. Of course not everyone, but people you run into at the door going in somewhere or seated at a table near you in a restaurant. I think this was lost on Covid and people don’t realize they missed this interaction. Back to the topic, it seems when I do use the self checkout, I always have a problem scanning a bar code due to plastic interference, wrinkles, or just plain faded. There will always be a job for a helper when it comes to me. Lol
  8. My wife uses the Sam’s app and a woman in Sam’s checkout line saw her go around the registers to get in the line leaving the store. She hollered to my wife, “ Ma’am, ma’am, you have to pay for that stuff.” My wife told her she already paid for it with the app. She ended up showing her, and several other women who had been privy to the conversation, that all you do is download the app and scan your products yourself. Of course you have to link the app to your bank account. They were all downloading as my wife left the store. I understand where Chester is coming from. I didn’t like debit cards when they first came out, now I use it for everything. Have a separate account for online purchases. Had to change cards a couple times due to being hacked and attempts made for purchases in California and Houston. They were denied and the perps got nothing. Chester is like me and lots of other people who like things the way they are. Things that worked for years are now done a different way. How we grew up was so different than today. I feel sorry for those of you who didn’t grow up watching cartoons in color on Saturday mornings ( if you had a color TV.) lol Progress will always affect everything we do. Always remember, the opposite of PROgress is CONgress.
  9. baddog


    My 401K took a hit Wednesday, rebounded somewhat Thursday, and took another hit Friday, although not as bad as Wednesday. Should I worry?
  10. baddog


    Man, you beat me to it. I will probably be dead by then anyway. Hey, but you won’t have to wear ear plugs to an NHRA meet.
  11. baddog


    [Hidden Content]
  12. So you have never noticed that when a black person is in the news, we are told what race they are and if it is a white person, race is not mentioned? What a deewee.
  13. Very well and soft spoken man. Speaks his mind, not from a script.
  14. Always liked Dr. Carson
  15. Anyone else noticed how flu commercials have popped up lately?
  16. Working under Biden as special envoy to climate, which translates to nothing.
  17. John Kerry said that pipeline people who lost their jobs should try to seek employment making solar panels. What a douche.
  18. This is what Corey Feldman and Corey Haime tried to inform everyone about.
  19. That guy is gonna wake up dead.
  20. 1,000,000,001 to be exact. 2022 to be exact.
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