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Everything posted by baddog

  1. aoc trying to top that with her attempted murder by Cruz, I guess. I have been threatened by the left just for being white, so her tears don’t affect me.
  2. Sad part is the need for someone like Snopes. If I were Cruz, I’d sue aoc for libel and slander.
  3. Man, the skits would be endless. So much funnier than the personal attacks by Baldwin. Guess he’s out of a job. Lmao.
  4. When was the last time snl didn’t mock a president? Of course this snl crew couldn’t sniff the jock strap of the 70s lineup. Still, what’s up here? Lefty responses would be greatly appreciated for us conspiracy theorists.
  5. Kerry could fly over with his private jet and melt the snow for him. Since it puts out 40 times more exhaust than a commercial jet, that snow shouldn’t be a problem at all.
  6. That’s the same two guys who supposedly attacked the little queer, Jussie Smollet. The left will stop at nothing. Why doesn’t aoc mention antifa in her recollection of the attack?
  7. What a POS!
  8. Kinda like when Obama won it and did nothing?
  9. I don’t care anymore. Call anyone anything you please. If you get your ass kicked, then so be it. I’ve been called every name in the book but no one has yet to be sued or lose their job over it.
  10. I don’t need anyone doing my talking for me or attempting to read between the lines. I am pretty straight forward. Your Hitler comparison is laughable at best. Always good to compare to the worst mass murderers of all time to make your point more effective. There are numerous ways to “fight”. I can fight you in court, in a sporting contest, or with a peaceful protest. The reason your opinion holds no water with me is that you despise Trump. No one on the face of the earth could be as wrong as you make Trump out to be.
  11. Biden is such a dumbass. Trump had the US as the #1 producer of oil. Biden is attempting to shut that down which will make us dependent on Saudi and Venezuelan oil.....OPEC. They can then control what we pay at the pump. Trump pretty much told them to stick it where the sun don’t shine and left them in his dust. I miss that attitude already. Also, if the price at the pump becomes almost impossible to manage, it will push us towards those stupid electric cars. I don’t want one. Where oh where are we going to dispose of all those expensive batteries?
  12. This is all total BS and simply your opinion. Some people think their opinion in print somehow gives it validity. You know that Trump didn’t incite this riot, but the left and the haters have to have something to throw out there.
  13. You wacko with your Captain Obvious. Made in China has been around as long as I can remember.....used to be a joke. So was made in Japan. No one laughs at Japan’s electronics market since we sold them the transistor patent. Sure have to play keep up with their automobile market.....number one manufacturer....just passed Volkswagen. China....where do I begin? We really don’t need to be told how much stuff is made in China......wacko.
  14. I have gotten to the point of not giving a shat anymore.
  15. Spoke of it so often at his inaugural that he put Bill to sleep. (Saw a video clip)
  16. Yes, when you have no answer, claim the party you disagree with has mental issues. Beats the hell out of an answer any day. Here’s another liberal ploy: “So what you’re saying is”..... you believe people voting for Biden wanted to put 10s of 1000s of people out of work by killing the Keystone XL, want kindergarteners to have gender lessons, let millions of illegals into this country to live off the working man, join the Paris accord, sleep with XI, hate Israel, convert to electric cars, grease Warren Buffett, take our guns....etc.... Really? I don’t believe that any of the people who did actually vote for Biden know anything about over half the stuff I just listed.
  17. Spot on!
  18. baddog


    I’ve been wondering where Jim Acosta is hiding. Guess he has no on to accost.
  19. Schumer should sit down with Kamala and smoke a few. He would probably get lucky. The dims want this country to be a bunch of unarmed, dope smoking queers. Some people already fit right in. Law abiding? The dims bail out criminals. What does abiding by the law have to do with anything?
  20. Well, $4 per hour might not even get them to the magic $15 pay, but it already closed two stores. You can’t tell liberals anything. They know what is best.
  21. Sorry, if you, or anybody else had charges against them, they wouldn’t want to be convicted with that flimsy of evidence.... somebody claiming that they are deranged. That’s clearly not a convictable offense.
  22. I don’t like gangsters and rap ain’t my music, but I will listen to anyone who is pro-gun. Ice T does a good job on NCIS.
  23. People get charged with (crimes) and are entitled to a defense. The legality of it all should have been ruled upon in the house, but when democrats have a vendetta and control the house, legality is tossed aside in favor of vengeance.
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