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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Well, he’s guilty. Plain and simple. All you have to be is accused. Let’s hear her story. Maybe she will have better hair and a better memory than Christine Blasey Ford.
  2. Biden is a puppet for the radical left. How weird can you get? You refuse to see that?
  3. Were you in this big of a hurry with the Mueller investigation? You have no room to call anyone weird.
  4. It amazes me how people can give better advice than they themselves can take. Must be a communist.
  5. Only one reason.....they have something to hide. Why would anyone NOT want to know the findings? Communists!
  6. Another two-faced lefty. Not one has told me what it is about Biden that makes them want to follow his lead.......Masks?....Lmao.
  7. It’s the way they operate. They are con-artists. Doesn’t matter how criminal one is as long as he is a communist sympathizer. Makes one wonder why they hated the thought of Trump/Russia. What IS the difference? Crickets on this one.
  8. The only fat lady you hear singing is YOU in the shower.
  9. All of them.
  10. Here we go..... Wisconsin Supreme Court takes up Trump case after circuit court judge dismissed [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  11. Really, I listed them for one of your cronies on another thread. What do you think I was getting at?
  12. So, before this ‘deadly’ pandemic, that same maskless cook and waitress breathed germs all over your food but that was ok? I don’t understand. Are you calling me ignorant? I don’t claim to know it all like some people.
  13. Yep and herd immunity can occur naturally, without masks.
  14. baddog


    Her soldiers????? I’m afraid I am ready.
  15. Wow, taking up for China. What a putz. You realized China knew the virus had been released but didn’t report it. Oh yeah, guess you forgot that. How convenient.
  16. All in the family.....
  17. California turning red????? Take that you communists! Lmao!
  18. I look for him to be one of the next presidential candidates after Trump. Maybe Candace Owens as a running mate. I’d vote for that. I’d vote for Owens for president. She’s like John Wayne toilet paper......don’t take crap off anyone....lol
  19. Excellent....
  20. Wrong as usual. Go look at my WOW thread and tell me what you think about that she dog.
  21. baddog


    It’s not even a veiled threat. That is a terrorist threat and should be dealt with accordingly. Several charges should be filed.
  22. baddog


    This is a good clip, but watch about 2 minutes in. Unbelievable
  23. This is proof positive of how the sheeple are led to slaughter. So naïve they can’t even discern what is real and what is fed to them. Lmao
  24. I can transfer some lead from my .357 magnum to his chest. Lead has to be worth something. Then I can say,”Sue me now punk”. Hopefully he has life insurance so his family will be covered. That should become law just in case people don’t feel generous with their goods.
  25. Wouldn’t know. We don’t watch sports anymore.
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