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Everything posted by baddog

  1. There will be no lefty comment on this. What could they possibly offer?
  2. Ya think?
  3. ..... yet Trump was accused of falsely attacking the MSM. Here it is in black and white for those who do not believe they are being brain-washed.
  4. Asylum my left..... They still carry the flag of the country they are fleeing. They are not seeking asylum. If I had to flee, I could always go the other direction. They are looking for a handout, just like the panhandler on the street corner.
  5. Two-faced describes the left. Dork is another word for uninformed. You’re right, neither is vulgar. Now admit the content of my video is why you really don’t like Cruz.
  6. Not at all. No need for me to edit mine, unlike yours. Is that all you gleaned from my post?
  7. Huh????
  8. I feel sorry for no one who was blessed with the opportunity to play in the NFL, make $millions, and find some way to screw that up. Makes no difference if he is from this area.
  9. You simply can’t do that. A minimum wage is across the board.
  10. It comes down to company worthiness. Think of the people who have had to work up to making $15 per hour. Now companies will be hiring inexperienced people off the street and paying them $15 per hour. How is that going to make employees feel, who have been working probably for years and finally making $15 per hour? Don’t even come at me with McDonald’s. It’s gotten to where I pull up and say, “Just throw something in the bag that you think I will like.” They say, “Sir, we can’t do that.” I say, “Well, you did it yesterday!” Don’t tell me they are worth $15 per hour.
  11. Actually, everyone who has died from Covid since Biden announced he has a sure fire way to stop it should be attributed to him. Think of all the lives he could have saved had he made it known before using it as a political election ploy. What a douche bag.
  12. In 3 days, everyone who dies from Covid will be Biden’s fault. Anyone killed by a terrorist in this country will be Biden’s fault. Hey, guess what.....anything bad that happens will be Biden’s fault. Anything that anyone considers a good accomplishment by Biden, I will overlook completely. Let’s impeach him now for abuse of power.
  13. Let’s be friends with people who say “Death to Americans”. Makes sense to me.
  14. I LOVE TEXAS!!!!!!
  15. I would say both of your conclusions are true.
  16. This is a rehearsal, but look at the 2nd comment below the video. These are some of Elvis’ musicians playing with Mr. Rowley.
  17. Here’s the real reason you hate Cruz. Man up and state your real feelings. Don’t be a two-faced dork all your life. Bring it on.
  18. This guy is amazing. Love this song. I believe he has some old Elvis musicians playing with him. I will do some research to see for sure. Enjoy......
  19. Man, this is great..... [Hidden Content]
  20. Sounds better that Elvis...
  21. What an athlete!
  22. No matter what Texas does, in the eyes of aggy, it will be wrong. No matter how great or bad Texas has been over the years, I have but two words for aggy........CASE MCCOY.
  23. wussified Biden respond to this? I think we already know. He’ll probably apologize for our ships being so close to their missile test. Iranian missiles land within 20 miles of ship, 100 miles from Nimitz strike group in Indian Ocean: officials [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
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