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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Never seen any of you communists go along with anything Trump’s DOJ has done so far. What did he do, say something geared towards you people?
  2. Looks like Barr makes the historical list of Trump appointees who will stab him in the back.
  3. Let him get screwed losing a football game on a bad call. Then he will want a full investigation. Then the call will be considered racial..... and that call will be 1000 times more important than any presidential election fraud. Some people have trouble getting their ducks in a row.
  4. Only intelligent conversation you can get from a non-conservative is Tx. Hoops.
  5. You mean the communist public and he hasn’t been voted out yet. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.
  6. Like I said, you will not point out any discrepancies or lies. You just label it misinformation and call it a day. What did he say that was a lie? You will dodge that question again and again because he simply didn’t lie.
  7. PamFam agreeing with Barr....... now that’s comical! PamFam...... ever misplaced your car keys? Can’t find them if you don’t look. Barr hasn’t been looking, now has he?
  8. Since he said NOTHING, would you care to point out any discrepancies or outright lies? Of course you won’t. Typical lefty.
  9. Remember in 2016, the dems were trying to get the electoral voters to go against their state votes? Yeah, they want fair play.
  10. That’s hilarious. He will be labeled as an “Uncle Tom”.
  11. Freddie King Live.....
  12. Rat burgers....lmao.
  13. Never seen this show but I get that way with Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives. Deep fried cheeseburger..... sounds delicious! lol
  14. Reagan, I appreciate the info you gather and post for us to read. I really do. The thing is this...... if there is anyone who doesn’t think that voting machines used GLOBALLY to secure the candidates they are programmed to elect is not a freaking problem, you have wasted your time trying to convince otherwise. I hope you keep posting as you will have some lulus in the coming days. The people you are trying to reach are dead to the world.
  15. Not dodging this one. Nash asked you which socialist countries avoided this pandemic better. You said it wasn’t avoidance but that Trump’s capitalistic, unprepared approach was bad. Makes absolutely no sense. If one is not trying to AVOID the pandemic, what is one doing? Biden says wear masks.....DUH.....what a genius!
  16. .....and the difference would be?????
  17. I take a yearly flu shot but I’m not sure about this one. Only side effect from my flu shot seems to be a sore arm, but not every time. This covid shot, I have heard, gives you a monster headache.....no thanks.
  18. can’t argue much with this video, but I am sure they will....
  19. Japan has always had a high suicide rate, which had been on the decline before the pandemic. Lots of pressure to succeed in Japan. They will jump out of windows because they made a bad mark in school. One would think they already had suicide hotlines in place before this. This is sad.
  20. That 911 call is paid for by taxpayers who also pay for police. Socialist/communist countries.....good luck getting either to respond. When are you going to man up and admit you are big girl’s husband? Big girl can’t think up things like this, although they are as dumb in nature. Your spelling is great and you use punctuation correctly. Congrats.
  21. I did know about Crazy and Turn out the Lights by Don Meredith lol, but not the rest. Willie was a great songwriter.
  22. I can’t believe people vote for a man who has trouble remembering his own name.
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