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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Funny how a black man, who would blame all his shortcomings on someone else.... like he had been cheated, can turn a blind eye to cheating that could affect him, his kids and grandkids possibly for their entire lives.
  2. Do you believe in Biden’s xdkinfdfuiv program?
  3. So wrong. Trump is the guy who says, “You ain’t going home yet punk”.
  4. The one thing that bothers me the most is that in our society today, we have video cameras on every street corner, inside every business, most people have a Ring or something similar........where are the video cameras that should have been used as security for these ballot counting facilities? Ever go to Vegas......every transaction is watched.
  5. So easily led. I didn’t infer, I said that is what they are and what they want the end result to be.......Communism.
  6. Even in a tie, Pence will be the deciding vote. With so many fraud votes, GOP could take back the house. lol
  7. Don’t forget, the founder’s of blm are Marxist communists. We need Trump for 4 more years.
  8. Man, if this is true, that’s a 276,000 vote swing. Pamfam, you doing the math with me now?
  9. True, but for psychological ploys to work, there has to be a certain level of intelligence within the people you are trying to psyche. My dogs always go for the fake toss. lol
  10. just shoot a couple and the rest will go home..... Florida's DeSantis moves to allow citizens to shoot looters, rioters targeting businesses [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  11. baddog


    I know this is a sports topic and the mods can move it if need be, but this is a political statement so I put it here. What’s funny is people like me are called racists but crap like this goes on and racism is not present.....yeah right.
  12. Yeah really..... and that hair!!!!! Can you believe she couldn’t have made herself more presentable to congress? She had that fresh-raped look about her. Methinks it was rehearsed that way for effect. Hey, but that’s what dims put their faith in..... believe every word she uttered.
  13. Oh, I agree. We have to start somewhere and he would be a great start.
  14. Need to go after Soros. Even the dims know he is a snake, but they will sleep with him to keep their jobs.
  15. I would hope the fraud will keep Trump as president then go after the crooks.
  16. If we could just get Christine Blasey Ford to come forward with some accusations of voter fraud, then the dims would believe her.
  17. The left came after Trump with a lame investigation by Mueller...... something about Russian collusion. Cost the taxpayers $millions, lasted it seems like 3 years, ended up Mueller didn’t even know what was in his own report. Tried to impeach Trump for abuse of power, another lame scheme when it was Biden who ADMITTED to the quid-pro-quo. Another huge waste of taxpayer money. Pelosi held back the evidence going to the Senate. Another huge waste of time..... turned up nothing again. Where is the proof the left so desires? So if there are several lawsuits launched using my taxpayer money to uncover possibly the largest voter fraud ever conceived, you bet I won’t complain one bit, especially since Biden ADMITTED to this also.
  18. Since when does a lefty need proof?
  19. If I claimed to win the biggest poker pot of the night, practically all the money, started raking in all the chips without showing my winning hand, would you let me leave?
  20. I’ve been told worse.
  21. 1533 days is what I’m guessing.
  22. No lefty comments? This is all made up, right wing propaganda. Lmao
  23. Here’s the problem I have with that. One of them is going to be president. You hate Trump. Seems you would vote Biden, but no. One less vote Trump has to worry about, so the man that you hate may win it again.
  24. You keep cracking jokes, I was serious. If you don’t vote for your candidate, that’s one less vote the opponent has to worry about.
  25. That’s a vote for Trump
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