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Everything posted by baddog

  1. They weren’t rioting in the name of George Floyd. What a croc.
  2. Once they are found out to be illegal, when arrested, their rights are called Miranda.
  3. It’s the “NEW” math.
  4. You can’t possibly know that. You are speculating.
  5. Propaganda??????
  6. If Biden wins, I can’t wait to see what his XTGDEJUCHRUP program is about.
  7. Hey, I was just copying what some of the Dems on here do.... Post something I found on the internet as being true without a link or one shred of evidence to back it up. Kinda crappy of me huh?
  8. Again, nothing in response to my post. Typical lefty.
  10. Your reply had absolutely nothing to do with my post. Stop quoting me if you don’t know how to reply.
  11. You’re right, the thing we need to do is shut down production altogether and feed off the Saudi tit. That should save jobs. Lmao
  12. The real fraud is the stopping of the counting, dumping of ballots in dumpsters, having more votes than registered voters, and these very important states for both can’t seem to count their votes when more densely populated areas in the country had no problems getting theirs counted.
  13. Wisconsin showing 100,000 more votes than registered voters.
  14. Biden hates fossil fuels, so did Obama. Seems everyone thinks of gasoline first, and should, but i’m not sure how many people can go through their house and list something that isn’t related to fossil fuels. Try it. That computer, Ipad, or phone you are on right now could not be made without oil products. How does one defend their country without jet fuel? The list goes on and on.
  15. When is the counting supposed to continue?
  16. I’ve been through lots of elections and this is a new one on me. Funny how none of the lefties on this board even question it. Wonder why that is? Took them almost for years to try and prove Trump stole his election and colluded with the Russians to do it. Came up with nothing, nada, zero, zilch. If the cheating swings in the left’s favor, they become mute and their “principles” have amazingly vanished.
  17. Of course.
  18. Seems like we’re going into our 5th year of 2020.
  19. Feels like the whole country is on the Maury Povich show waiting to see who the daddy is.
  20. Seriously, like Biden said, shoot a couple of them in the knees. The rest will go home. Shots fired has a very special effect on a crowd. They scatter like a covey of quail.
  21. Feeling better every minute. lol
  22. This is about George Floyd????? Yeah Right!!! DC protesters organized via Zoom for months, thousands expected outside White House on Election Day [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  23. Instead of these people boarding up their businesses, they should be digging Fox holes lined with sand bags, if you catch my drift.
  24. Last time I was there, you hated to stop at a red light. You were swarmed by homeless people begging for money. That’s been a few years. I’m sure it hasn’t improved.
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