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Everything posted by baddog

  1. I must have missed it. It said breaking news.
  2. Well, I believe that says it all. Widespread fraud is to be overlooked, even by people Trump might think will help. No one should overlook fraud in our elections. Trump taking on the whole establishment is what made him so popular. Democrats crap all over the Constitution but will whip it out when it somehow serves their purpose.
  3. that one day we would be smoking weed at a family gathering and the illegal part is the family gathering?
  4. I have read several comments on here about moving on. Here is why you don’t and no one can really disagree with what he is saying, although I am sure some may try.
  5. Do you have a link where I can find a democrat of substance. I googled it and it said no results could be found.
  6. Was/is she a Catholic in good standing?
  7. Give her a vagina banner and to anyone who believes one word she has to say.
  8. Really, a liberal/communist demanding PROOF? Accusations are all that’s required, from what I have seen the last four years. Why, all of a sudden, is it important?
  9. Watergate.....sure am glad Trump wasn’t SPIED on, but Nixon screwed the pooch. Read my lips..... can’t deny that one and one I personally didn’t like. Weapons of Mass Destruction.......I guess Sadaam Insane murdered 250,000 Kurds by kissing them. Obamacare is a tough one. I sure don’t use it. Does anyone know somebody who does?
  10. Well, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and opinion is all it is.
  11. You should be ashamed calling yourself an American. I’ve had people give their lives fighting communism and you are thrilled they are elected into office and even voted for them.
  12. Where is the ignorance? You embrace communism and jeopardize, not only your family, but the entire country. You think of no one but yourself but you expect me to wear a mask to protect you.
  13. How cute. That rhymes doesn’t it.
  14. None. You are sacrificing yours to a communist regime. Duh
  15. Democrats do not love America. They can all leave. I feel that way very strongly about Texas. Do you own a gun?
  16. I get news from several sources. I certainly don’t view the Communist News Network.....who is going broke, BTW. Lmao.
  17. So, you’re ok with the democratic process if it includes cheating? It is not over.
  18. What? No lefty response? Oh yeah, this is one of their boys so he can’t be guilty of anything. The left blames Trump for shutting down businesses and people losing their jobs while completely overlooking the two scoundrels Cuomo and Newsom. The left has no brains.
  19. Is this as important as Hillary selling Putin 20% of our uranium?
  20. None of that is on Trump and you know it. What a pathetic viewpoint.
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