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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Difficult, or next to impossible to get arrests or be investigated when your Attorney generals are Loretta Lynch, and Eric Holder, and your FBI heads are Mueller and Comey. Duh.
  2. when I see it.... Remember Cher and several others making this same claim, except they said Canada? [Hidden Content] In fact, it made this anchor deliver this message....
  3. Do I need to reiterate?
  4. Still have political races with signs on publicly funded property. Don’t care how you come at me, all I ask is for you to be consistent.
  5. I was watching Andy Griffith reruns, you know, when comedy was still funny?
  6. How about police unions backing trump? I know you will say unions are private but how are they funded?.... with police money and we all know we own them, correct? Better start taking up all the vote banners at the library voting stations. Ahh, the left with their consistency.
  7. Only in between puffs.
  8. No one would have complained about a Biden flag.
  9. Everybody coming around except for big girl.
  10. You’ve seen the video of her district in shambles, now listen to this liar about the stimulus deal....
  11. [Hidden Content]
  12. OMG, what a leader.
  13. Here’s an about face.....
  14. Here is some more of Biden’s enlightened crowd. These are probably college kids. Think they were graded on a curve? Sad thing is they can vote.
  15. Here is some food for thought..... [Hidden Content] I thought the third leading cause of death interesting in 2016-2018.
  16. If they’d shoot a couple of them, the rest would go home.....I promise you.
  17. Pics of what? Aborted babies?
  18. Nothing could make me happier than to win the house, senate, and presidency. We’ll have the libs screaming at the sky. Wait, they already do that. Lmao Kamala is a lying POS and she knows that.
  19. Are you sure you want socialism? Here is how it works. [Hidden Content]
  20. Is Bobby Brown ok? Texas A&M's Bobby Brown injures knee while celebrating sack vs. Florida [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  21. Bi-partisan congresses have worked up until your socialist democrats have sat on their hands, balked at anything Trump wanted to do, brought false charges about Russia, attempted a coup-de-gras with their false impeachment charges, and have literally watched as America has been set on fire, looted by criminals, divided by communist/racist blm, and attacked by communist antifa. One party rule.....you are right, and it’s called the communist party. Your last sentence is something a 3rd grader would write.
  22. It was a good read. I’d challenge any lefty to point out any discrepancies or falsehoods in that piece. Guess what.....you can’t!
  23. Really all that matters.
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