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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Japan has always had a high suicide rate, which had been on the decline before the pandemic. Lots of pressure to succeed in Japan. They will jump out of windows because they made a bad mark in school. One would think they already had suicide hotlines in place before this. This is sad.
  2. That 911 call is paid for by taxpayers who also pay for police. Socialist/communist countries.....good luck getting either to respond. When are you going to man up and admit you are big girl’s husband? Big girl can’t think up things like this, although they are as dumb in nature. Your spelling is great and you use punctuation correctly. Congrats.
  3. I did know about Crazy and Turn out the Lights by Don Meredith lol, but not the rest. Willie was a great songwriter.
  4. I can’t believe people vote for a man who has trouble remembering his own name.
  5. Since when did the left deal with facts?
  6. I don’t remember anyone quoting nurse’s salaries during obama’s reign.
  7. Yep, you been watching communist news network again. Please list the lawsuits he has lost. Thrown out of lower courts only pushes the cases closer to the Supreme Court.
  8. You’re a nurse right? Nurses in Russia make 30,000 rubles a month. Sounds like a lot huh? The ruble is so deflated that 30,000 rubles a month converts to $394.33 U.S. Good luck keeping up your status. Remember, this is what YOU want for yourself and family.....not what I want. Haven’t given that much thought, have you?
  9. Is this the same Putin that Trump told to get out of his way while he bombed the living crap out of isis in Asaad’s Syria, you know, Putin’s close ally?
  10. I’ll accept anything that is factual. Did this come out in the Mueller report? I mean it had to right? It took 3 years and $millions in taxpayer money. Surely he stumbled across this during his massive investigation.
  11. Says who?
  12. Stop making yourself look foolish. Even you don’t believe that.
  13. So what would a communist president have done differently..... wear masks like Biden has suggested?...... BRILLIANT! Talk about throwing stuff at a wall and hoping it sticks.....
  14. Kind of like Christine Blasey Ford? Nah, these folks will remember what happened.
  15. So when did you become a communist?
  16. I think my favorite Dylan song, written and recorded by Dylan is “Lay Lady Lay”.
  17. I knew Dylan wrote lots of songs and other people recorded them so I Googled songs written by Bob Dylan. I was amazed as will you. You will do more searches, I promise. [Hidden Content]
  18. I certainly need prayers like everybody else. Thanks. How has your rehabilitation been coming along these past four years? I can see you still have sheepaphobia and denyingitis.
  19. Bob Dylan wrote this.... Hendrix mastered it....One of my favorite songs by Hendrix....another one of those time zappers.
  20. Great news, thanks.
  21. Did they cut the power and water off to the party Newsom attended?
  22. Rita leveled Sabine Pass. Trucks bringing furniture to Sabine Pass in a relief effort found themselves surrounded by crowds of people not from SP. Some as far away as Kountze. Police were called and threatened the crowds with possible arrests if they didn’t leave immediately. SP people lost everything. Kountze people may have had power outages and fallen trees, but they didn’t need furniture. Plumb pitiful. I have seen the lines you speak of.
  23. Where were you during the Mueller investigation and the impeachment circus, since you are so interested in proof? The proof is coming and the snowflakes will cry again.
  24. The freakin’ communists can if given the governing power. Wake up man.
  25. That would be how many voted for Biden....7+ million. Most real Americans fight for their rights and refuse to let communism take over. You should try it. Then you can call yourself a real American.
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