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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Also, I wasn’t aware that a VP could write executive orders.
  2. Those gun manufacturers will find their way to Texas and they will be protected. You remember when Obama implied he was coming after guns and, wasn’t it Wyoming’s Governor who told him that, if any federal agents set foot across his state lines to confiscate guns, his state police would have orders to fire at will? (something to that effect)
  3. What did Biden look like....a smile with a person behind it?
  4. Trump knew this all along. Biden couldn’t have gone through a metal detector. lol Hey, but it wasn’t in his ear.
  5. Joe Biden's aggressive gun control policy pledge leads to skyrocketing sales [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  6. I’ve been reassured by 1996 that the Biden regime will not come for my guns. Whew!!!
  7. What about Sweden? They did fine without shutting down their country. Overly cautious I can handle. We were, and still are at the paranoia stage, brought on by uninformed doctors, msm, and democrats beating their anti- Trump drums. Trump has never had Democrat’s agree with him on anything and he has still had success.
  8. Like I said, why bother?
  9. Every time you post on here it is about racism. That is racist in and of itself. Ask yourself why you hate white people. What, do you have one white friend? You love racism. It gives you drive. I worked with a man who told me one day that he was not your “typical” black man.... he loved his wife and kids and worked for a living. I couldn’t believe he said that. Caught me completely off guard. Believe what you want because that is what you will do anyway. I still consider him a friend and call him occasionally. He quit and moved off. No white person will ever meet your requirements to not be called racist, so why bother?
  10. Sure am glad you’re not racist. Lmao.
  11. And another thing. Seems to me that state governors took it upon themselves to handle this problem. Even mayors stepped in and handled it. Our county judge did what he thought was right. So, all these other elected leaders did their part, what did Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, etc...... do about this pandemic? They are supposed leaders of the free world. What did they freaking do? Pelosi got her hair done and did a video showing her $40,000 refrigerator, and the rest did absolutely nothing but throw darts at Trump. Where is the outrage with these democratic leaders who sat on their hands? What about Cuomo and DeBlasio? Two no count jerks if I ever did see one. Not one bad word amongst all you lefty’s thrown at these guys for their mishandling of the pandemic. Not one......cowards!
  12. They were still getting over their failed impeachment. Along comes Covid and they have something else they can’t govern themselves, so blame Trump.
  13. The programs to help sustain life are called mom and dad.
  14. Can we do this for the flu? If masks work, why did we shut down the world?
  15. Why not bring up Obama? He keeps sticking his nose in Trump’s business. Tell Obama to shut his pie hole because he’s been out of office four years. While you’re at it, tell Hillary she lost.
  16. Neither did your boy Obama. He wouldn’t even call them terrorists. I can see you follow the teachings of MLK to a tee. He would be so proud.
  17. baddog


    I think that period is bogus.
  18. I turned off the debate. Both made me keep saying shut up.
  19. Biden is holding up better than I thought he would. He looks terrible though.
  20. Not much difference. Murdered their way into power and afterwards. Hitler wanted to create the perfect Aryan race.....or keep the German race pure. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and tall were the requirements. I would not fit the qualifications therefore I would be exterminated or used for experimental surgeries. Blacks would have been exterminated.
  21. Good deflection. Typical lib. If Trump was Hitler, you nor I would be here.... especially you.
  22. Stop being a broken record. Everyone knows how you feel about Trump. Reiterating it does not sway the minds of those who think for themselves. No one tells me how to think. Trump happens to represent the way I DO think whether you believe that or not. You say you lean left. Does Biden represent the way you think? What is it about Biden’s platform that interests you.
  23. Might not be any mail in voting in Chicago. Letter carriers are refusing to deliver mail due to several being shot while delivery.
  24. I know this will be labeled as propaganda by the left, but how many stories does it take for it to sink in that it is not fake? Mismarked absentee ballots in NYC lead to 'mass confusion,' official says [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  25. Show me what I have printed that is false. According to the liberal/socialist/communist manifesto, all I need to do is have accusations not backed by fact. You could attack a Supreme Court nominee or impeach a president with nothing more.
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