Watch this interview at about the 3 minute mark. Where do you get off taking up for a POS like Soros. You are the one who knows nothing about him.....obviously. Here’s your hero. Fall in lockstep.
That would be you. Don’t they still have libel laws? Can’t make accusations like that in print. Ask COMMUNIST NEWS NETWORK and WAPO. Typical lib..... question the source. If it don’t come from Pravda, it ain’t true. Lmao
Let me know when you find that middle-of-the-road outlet. Lmao
Libs trying to steal an election with this mail-in voting garbage. They know they can’t win so they have to cheat. Tried to lay cheating with the Russians on Trump and turned up nothing. What an admirable group.
Funny how conservatives are labeled as Nazis without one shred of proof. The left, with their anarchists and antifa crowd much more resemble the brown shirts than any conservative I know. How terrible.
I renewed my American values and my NRA membership. Americans kicked Germany’s ass twice and took it to the Japanese too. Why would I want anything to do with anything related to Germany?
Pure poor us is for you lefties when you lose an argument, which is 99.9% of the time.
I don’t read between lines. You don’t want Soros’ head on a platter, then you must be in cahoots. There is no gray area.
Lefties have no brains....DUH!!!!
Minneapolis residents say crime is rising after funding shift
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Why would anyone want to do that?
Mexican teen in US illegally is charged as adult for attempted murder of Arizona trooper
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Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announces 134 felony voter fraud charges in connection with 2018 Dem primary
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I am. We targeted Soleamini (sp.) for attacking American troops, surely we can justify taking out someone who is behind the terrorizing and rioting that is attempting to take over America.
That Breonna Taylor got herself all shot up and killed in a crossfire with police. Them damn police. I think I’m gonna go and loot me a big screen tv in her memory. It would make her proud. I would be doing the right thing.
They will get all of that fixed. Right now, this
has to be the best one yet. The last one had trouble loading, at least for me. This one is very smooth. Thanks.