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Everything posted by baddog

  1. I like the warning in the bottom left corner. Lmao
  2. People follow this? Really????
  3. So 1000 people are killed by cops each year, all the cops are charged with murder, and 2 get convicted. That has to be the biggest crock of doo doo I have ever heard, but it is the mentality that is slowly taking this country down.
  4. Get off?????? They shoot people coming at them with guns and knives and you find some way to blame the police. You only take their side because they are black, not because they were in the right. You are what is wrong with the world. The mentality that criminals have the “right” to be criminals.
  5. Did it with a remote controlled car bomb that blew him to smithereens. Lmao, I’m glad he’s dead. Wish they had video of his body parts being sprayed everywhere
  6. 10%??????? What a joke. Let them burn your hood and then tell me what % is violent.
  7. This pandemic is not as deadly as the h1n1 during your boy Obama’s administration. Why didn’t we social distance, wear masks, and shut down businesses then? He was such a great leader!
  8. Lots of blacks and whites living off the government aren’t far from marxism already. This is why it is convenient to go through blm to make their score. Most of blm is white anyway.
  9. Not percentage wise. But that’s ok, I didn't expect you to agree.
  10. ..... and that’s just for the crime of murder. It doesn’t include burglary, wife beatings, theft, assault, armed robbery, auto theft, jaywalking.....
  11. Pathetic
  12. They are idolizing just like the pos in the video. Doesn’t he sound educated?
  13. what I read anymore. Do people really think like this? We were joking when we said the fires were Trump’s fault, but were actually right. SMH Biden calls Trump a ‘climate arsonist’ who ‘won’t take responsibility’ for wildfires [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  14. Pressure from Hollywood moguls to protect the perverted community that IS Hollywood. The Corey Feldman book should expose many that this law will protect. Of course the judge will determine whether it was consensual or forced. All minors should feel safe with the looney judges in California.
  15. So what did I miss that makes me an idoit? lol
  16. That’s all you gleaned from my post? Amazing. Don’t start with the name calling either.
  17. Video quit working
  18. You could have had that fatal heart attack just before the crash. Actually, lack of oxygen to the brain kills everyone. So there. Thanks for the parentheses on coagulants. We would have never known what you were talking about. Lmao
  19. Even a no knock, they still announce. POLICE....C-R-A-S-H. The element of surprise favors the police. Thought they was being robbed...... yeah right. Keep on blindly following the criminal element and making flaky excuses for their violent behavior and you will eventually be ruled by them. I’d say south side of Chicago already is. Isn’t that a lovely way to live? She shouldn’t have been there. End of story. I could be like that guy in the video of the two officers that were cowardly ambushed in LA and say “I’m glad she’s dead”. Alas, I don’t have that in me. The people who shot at the cops deserved to die and asked for it.
  20. Wow, can’t believe I was right about this. Portland cops: Man started small brush fire with Molotov cocktail [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  21. Iran hanged a top notch wrestler yesterday. Let’s see, they could have electrocuted him, firing squad, lopped off his head, cyanide poisoning, drawn and quartered him (one of my personal favorites), but hanging him is racist.....LMFAO
  22. That’s what you gleaned from my post? Comical, to say the least. They said Bush sabotaged the levees. Nagin didn’t force evacuation and left scores of buses under water. People could have gotten out but the pos mayor was too busy ripping off the public. Funny how you can lay blame at the feet of people you despise but turn a blind eye to the real culprits of society.
  23. TS Sally about to hit NO in a couple days. Trump will get blamed if the levees give way just like Bush. Too bad Nagin isn’t there to save them. Funny how the dems laid no blame on that bastard. Look how many deaths were due to that POS, yet not one ounce of blame on the black mayor. Trump gets blamed for Covid deaths. What a crock of bs that is. Go sit in the corner and suck your thumb.
  24. Here’s Newsom’s answer. What a DA. California clears path for inmate firefighters to become regulars after release [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  25. Good guessing. Where did you come up with that number? Of all the reported deaths due to Covid, only 6% have been deemed accurate as to Covid actually being the cause of death, so you probably need to back off tens of thousands on your guess.
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