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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Lol. Bar Harbor to be exact, and they don’t have to be in the crosswalk. Girl stepped out in front of me jaywalking and I hit the brakes. She gave me a dirty look like I was the dumbass. Thought I was going to get the bird for a second. If I had hit her it would have been my fault.
  2. In Maine they have the right of way. I almost ran over a couple of them. This is totally different though.
  3. Have you ever noticed how many cameras are around in all of these types of videos? 20 people in the video with 9,000,000 cameras filming it. It’s really what it’s all about. Btw, I’m glad they got run over. Block me and see what happens. I’d even get the punks trying to break the windows.
  4. Once both officers are shot, then they can use deadly force. Until then, the POS can do anything he wants. Like I said, people who side with the POS would be dead police officers if they had to arrest him.
  5. Exactly, use guns
  6. His life didn’t matter. Hear the praise in the background? Proves my point. If that was my kid he hit, he would die.
  7. Man, you are nothing but a cop out.
  8. They worship their criminal element even the execution style murderer of an innocent 5 year old white boy.
  9. You don’t know me to make that insinuation. I have a few black people I work with I consider friends. Let me hear you condemn it.
  10. I have yet to see one black person anywhere condemn the black POS who executed (not hit by a stray bullet, executed) the five year old white boy. NOT ONE!
  11. Very well stated. Sorry about your brother.
  12. Yes, they should be taught that when a mad man is approaching them with a knife, they should tell him to put it down or they are going to call his mommy.
  13. The people who complain about cops need to put on the uniform, conduct themselves in the manner they expect from all other cops, then walk or cruise a beat. We wouldn’t have to worry about hearing from them again as they would be dead.
  14. Funny how the left hears about a criminal being shot and killed by police and already assume it wasn’t justified. Maybe you will need police help someday and they won’t be there for you......sad.
  15. You were a great point guard and two time MVP. Good luck with coaching the Nets. Too bad you’re not black, you would definitely make a better coach according to the racist Stephen A. Smith. He knows everything.
  16. Don’t leave. You contribute a lot.
  17. Better to be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.
  18. Best to be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.
  19. Chicken Little Forum should be solely for the Covid threads.
  20. Agree. The left has nothing but hate for our country, God, the police, capitalism, and all of us white boys.
  21. All I need is NY, Chicago, Portland, Seattle as examples. Trump is looking at defunding these cities. Good for him. NYC Mayor de Blasio responds to Trump defunding threat: 'We will see you in court' [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content]
  22. Lmao....... The other side!
  23. I think “you people” refers to the free thinkers, and “the other side” should be “the right”. I could be wrong.
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