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Everything posted by baddog

  1. What a pitiful comparison. I don’t worship Lee or hold his statue sacred. History was what it was and to keep whining about it changes nothing. Laying wreaths on a roadside after a gang banger attacked police with his vehicle and bit the dust is much more worrisome. Seeing a woman, whose brother was killed by a store clerk while trying to rob a Dollar General, crying to the reporter and said, “So, he was JUST ROBBING”, tells me how committing crimes doesn’t upset some people at all.....in fact, it is simply accepted, but we wonder why blacks have so many run-ins with police.
  2. Here's a whisper...... they are extorting businesses for cash or else. Does this have anything to do with a peaceful movement? Of course not, but you will stick beside them simply because they are black. Doesn’t matter if they are criminal, I have already said that the black community worships their criminal element.
  3. I think Vietnamese lives matter more than anybody.
  4. better known as extortion. What does this have to do with a black life mattering?
  5. ....yet WE are the Nazis.... The brown shirts were the group that enabled Hitler’s rise to power.....to simplify it.
  6. I haven’t seen a peaceful protest yet. I caught your sarcasm.
  7. Makes one wonder why Bernie bowed out so gracefully.
  8. That’s a short list alright
  9. Exactly. He still didn’t have congressional backing.
  10. Read Reagan’s thread about Fauci and Sweden
  11. Texas should have stood tall and kept things open. I remember when Blue Bell could have contaminated everyone with deadly listeria and all we could think about was when could we get our next half gallon.
  12. Let me stir the pot......if the American flag stands for racism, why was it draped on the casket of John Lewis? Wouldn’t that constitute a conflict of interest? Can’t have it both ways. The communist left has some splainin’ to do.
  13. terminology upsets snowflakes, so let’s call it this.....(won’t let me post it so.....) A pic of Andy Griffith and Opie sitting on the front porch. Opie, says, “Paw, if they don’t like calling it the China virus, why not call it what it really is....THE ELECTION INFECTION......
  14. 92 views and still no comment from the dim lovers. What gives?
  15. Couldn’t agree more. Should I watch out for falling rocks now? Lol
  16. baddog

    BLM Update

    Yep, and back when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor........
  17. Hillary sold out to the Russians. What has Trump sold? I haven’t seen this downturn of the past 3 years. What are you talking about? Be specific and don’t just say it because it makes you feel good. Biden likes the green new deal and has said he will come after your guns. How much further LEFT can you get?
  18. Typical. I have come to expect nothing less.
  19. Want some facts to chew on? I really like this lady.
  20. baddog

    BLM Update

    Us neither. We both refuse to watch.
  21. baddog

    BLM Update

    Me either. My wife and I love the Stros and watch them mostly on home games since the west coast games start at 9;00. Too late for this old codger.
  22. The enlightened one got the boot again? It was just a matter of time. How long is a ban sentence anyway? Seems like bout 6 months.
  23. Sure amazes how Trump has gutter “talk” and people want him tarred and feathered, but Clinton has sex with minors and the left is totally silent. Says a lot about character. They must be protecting pedophiles.
  24. 30 views and no lefty comment. Go figure
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