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Everything posted by baddog

  1. I’m going to eat at this guy’s house... video is on a loop. [Hidden Content]
  2. Suckass.
  3. Gotta love this.... Trump camp seeks extra debate rule: Third party inspectors to look for electronic devices in candidates' ears [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  4. Are they seriously referring to this as a debate? In a debate, both sides present their case for their point of view. The left has no point of view, therefore the need for a teleprompter that Biden can’t even see. Trump just needs to present his side and let Joe hang himself. That shouldn’t take long.
  6. Funny how some people can call another an ass, but if said person is called a pompous ass, he gets his panties wadded and cries foul. Obama was some people’s savior but they can’t name one thing he did for black people. Ain’t that funny? He was too busy taking care of his muslim brotherhood.
  7. They were arrested and charged with several felonies and got 15 years. Didn’t hear one peep from the left, but blow a little exhaust on some people, and here they come with their guilt trip.
  8. So, who was it again that was in cahoots with the Russians?
  9. Once I see one of those huge tailpipes, I stay to their left. Lol
  10. Diesels do that all the time. A little exhaust never hurt anyone. Some people get their panties wadded over nothing.
  11. I don’t think even you believe what comes out of your pie hole sometimes. Sad....
  12. These facts are not proof enough for those on the left. Didn’t Biden say he believes proof over facts?
  13. You are good at reversing things. It’s what libs do.
  14. Trump’s taxes are not your business and his returns don’t affect you, but here you are.
  15. Didn’t understand one word until, “Bro, you alright?” Great body slam.
  16. Biden is a total buffoon. How can anybody get past his gaffes and place confidence in him? Lots of gullible idiots out there.
  17. Get a load of this. This is less people than met Hillary at Jefferson County airport. Lmao
  18. Tvc would give the best answer, but I know they serve eviction notices and supervise repossessions.
  19. Did that look like Trump in the posted video? Deflection at its finest. Lmao
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