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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Totally agree. Best country in the history of the world. Happy 4th.
  2. ......but......but....Obama apologized to the Japs for nuking them. I’m sick of talking and hearing about slavery. My boss is black and we get along fine. So where is my white privilege? It’s all a crock.
  3. Of course it is, but try explaining that to a black person.
  4. The twins are not politically correct. What a breath of fresh air.
  5. Twin boys are spot on and you know it. Of course I don’t expect you to admit it.
  6. Sorry about your dad. Sounds like a great man.
  7. [Hidden Content]
  8. Unqualified????? These owners are the people with the jack. You want them to move aside and let a black take over? Where is the jack? If you owned a team, would you let me take it over?
  9. To sum it up....black man never happy. You could have it all and still cry foul. So you think the nfl should be owned, coached, and played by blacks only. Nothing racist about that. Like I said, think what you want. You really don’t have all the answers as you imply. Since you quoted me before my add on, why would you put faith in kap if he can be bought?
  10. When did the left start dealing with facts? Believe what you want. Kap had one good year and enjoyed his mug on tv as a “star”. Then, he found out he is not as good as his best season so the spotlight got dimmer. It happens all the time to hollywooders and the like. You know, red carpet and stuff like that. Please tell me exactly what kapernuisance has done for the oppressed black people? Since it is all about injustice, what is this justice you seek? If you were to murder me, the only justice for my family and friends would be the punishment doled out as a result of our judicial system. What other justice is there? Kapersissy also said he would stop kneeling if an nfl team picked him up. How can you put any faith in his cause if he can be bought?
  11. It's a black way of saying we is. Kinda like “yes massa” He’s a real gem.
  12. Let’s say I have a beef with Wal Mart. I simply don’t shop there anymore. I know people will still shop there and that’s fine. I am content knowing they don’t get my money. I don’t have to grab a sign, stand in their parking lot chanting catchy little rhyming phrases, getting people all riled up, even involving people who don’t have a beef with them but will join in anyway because they have no life. What a joke. I mean blm protesters are 90% white people.
  13. My protest is peaceful and silent. I don’t need the spotlight to get my point across. Putting butts in the seats draws revenue and so does merchandising. But the big money comes from tv sponsors. I hit them where it hurts the most and did nothing to divide our country racially.
  14. “Wes gon play”....... ain’t that cute. You have no room to call anyone a racist again
  15. No one mentioned kaperjack. What about the black anthem?
  16. Mine will be a peaceful protest also Turn the channel to Popeye cartoons or Andy Griffith.
  17. Wear one into a restaurant and take it off when seated. Wtf? Was I going to get Covid from the door to my seat? Give me a break.
  18. Will the players stand for the black anthem and then kneel for the “white” one?
  19. Goodell doesn’t care about right and wrong. He cares only about appeasement. Heck, he makes more than most players.
  20. They need to ban Newsom.
  21. How racist can it be? What a slap in the face to all other races. I have had my fill. The NFL can take a flying leap. Be sure to click the West video. NFL will play black national anthem prior to Week 1 games, report says [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  22. Unfortunately, no. A couple of paperbacks I really enjoyed were “4 Past Midnight” which had 4 short stories....The Langoliers, Secret Window, Secret Garden, The Library Policeman, and The Sun Dog. Another novella was “Nightmares and Dreamscapes” with Dolan’s Cadillac and Popsy (you don’t want to meet Popsy) just to name a few. I really need to catch up on some reading but at my age, I go to sleep real easily. Lol
  23. Sorry, I didn’t see this post until after I posted mine. People cannot be forced to wear masks.
  24. That was cool.
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