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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Why would he lie? Muhammad Ali was an example of someone who had been hit in the head too many times. Pitiful comparison.... simply pitiful. But this is what I have come to expect from you. Herschel is not a looter or a rioter, you know, the ones you idolize and turn a blind eye.
  2. Tell me boycotting doesn’t work. Lmao
  3. Partying in Panama?
  4. Here’s the thing, if Floyd had been taken to an emergency room, he would have still died from the fentanyl while in police custody. That would have been enough “evidence” for the blm crowd. Only what appears to have happened causes riots and looting. Ferguson come to mind? “Hands up, don’t shoot” never happened, but it didn’t matter at all. George Floyd could have raped 7 young girls, but had his arrest gone down the same way, the blm gang would still get behind him......to hell with the girls, you know, like they feel about the 5 year old boy being EXECUTED.
  5. Worked fine on my phone and I watched it. Don’t people realize that fentanyl can make you stop breathing? It really doesn’t matter. Too many people think the cop killed him and you can’t convince them otherwise. The damage is done. What I wonder is why this wasn’t released sooner. Might have saved some lives and a bunch of buildings.
  6. It will play for about 3 seconds now. Then I even got a screen that said the video was removed. Could be my Ipad. I’ll try my phone and get back to you.
  7. What I see happening a lot, especially from the left, is the inability to distinguish between a protest, which is perfectly legal, and a riot, which is an arrestable offense. Tennessee has drawn their lines so that there is no doubt.
  8. Was the article read? They are classifying violent protest as different classes of felonies. A felony revokes your right to vote, serve on jury duty, and possess a firearm. People’s rights are protected, just don’t commit the felony. Pretty simple really. I just wanted some feedback.
  9. alright Tennessee. Tell me if there is something wrong with this bill, as for as stomping on our rights, or is it to make people understand they have their rights, just don’t abuse them. Tennessee ramps up punishments for protesters, including loss of voting rights [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  10. Sorry, video will not play for me. It lasts about 1/2 second.
  11. My guess is he was and he got caught for being banned and trying to sign on under a different name.....but that’s just my opinion. That and $1.85 will get you a cup of coffee.
  12. Dropped off? Was it like a cruise ship port of call? They were probably bought and paid for by Kamala’s ancestors. Oops, you gonna ask Kamala for reparations? Who needs to educate themself on their own history? I have Irish, English, and Coonass origin. I simply call myself an American. African American is a systemic racist term and is divisive. Thought you didn’t like terms like that.
  13. Guess they will have to change the name to NAABP. Even their own refer to non-whites as people of COLOR. The owner of that radio station should have his FCC license revoked. Reference to Kamala Harris as ‘colored’ costs Cleveland radio anchor, 26, his job: reports [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  14. Who did she get to protect her, the defunded police?
  15. I asked for them on another thread, so good luck getting an answer.
  16. Well, we can tell who the old fogies are around here. lol
  17. My kind of woman..... looks and guns. lol She could win governor in Texas.
  18. Oh, that’s good.
  19. I’ve been saying all along that anti-Trump is not a platform but that would be all you would hear. I didn’t watch the convention. Did they offer free stuff? You know.... college, healthcare, food, rent, car payments, day care (already got that, it’s called school), toilet paper (never mind, they’ll wipe that for you too) anything else?
  20. Unfortunately, yes. “The Arab Embargo”
  21. I don’t care who you are. If you are a crook, you go to jail. Funny how a lib can’t utter those words.
  22. Ex-military and minorities get bonus points on their civil service exams. Go figure.
  23. baddog


    These people must watch cnn exclusively
  24. You would like what George Carlin had to say about not voting. YouTube it. It’s hilarious but true.
  25. I’ll give you the typo. lol
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