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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Black history is already being erased (Aunt Jemima, who was born into slavery, was a magnificent cook, got her freedom and rolled her talent into a cooking brand that was bought by GM, who use her likeness. She died in 1923 as America’s first black millionaire. What a great and honorable story for black history. Too bad it has to be erased over stupid thinking. Of course, once all the confederate statues, Lincoln statues, and Union statues have been removed, blacks will never, ever mention slavery again. There goes the race card. Next should be the pyramids of Egypt. They were built by slaves, but since they were Hebrew slaves, no one cares. That is why I have a rough time with all of this bs. You can’t change history no matter what you tear down. History does not go along with it.
  2. It’s Trump’s fault.
  3. I make no fun of a persons physical abilities. I know how that is, but when someone is running for the highest office in the world and he has trouble with his own last name, then I have a problem. Sure glad you didn’t post Hillary fainting odd anything like that. lol
  4. “Get your own movement” Lmao
  5. ......” little play house” Lmao
  6. Came to Texas Roadhouse today. Had to wear a mask to enter. Once at the table, we could remove them. Stupidest stuff I have ever seen. Think I’ll go eat at Tia’s in Lumberton tomorrow. There is no Covid there.
  7. World dominance. Time to fight back with live ammo. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.
  8. So why aren’t blacks rioting and looting Portugal? Surely their lives mattered. Don’t you hate the Portuguese? How dare you attack white people when Portuguese are the true culprits. What gives? Where is the outrage and pride? It comes down to what you think you can gain politically or monetarily from it and that the white man is willing to admit fault and you can capitalize on it. We are better people than Portuguese, or at least that is what you are saying. Prove me wrong.
  9. So there are no Jesus’ on the cross in your church?
  10. They should defund their police. That would put an end to it, once and for all.
  11. After a drink or two, I’ll be using that sucker as a slingshot.
  12. My wife says this affects patrons too. True or no? How can I eat with a mask on? Never mind, I refuse to be forced to wear one. Call me crazy.
  13. Christians will not tolerate Jesus’ statues being torn down. We have already turned the other cheek. Christians have never been afraid of battle when pushed to the limit.
  14. The African slave trade was WORLD WIDE, yet the USA is the only guilty country. Must be due to lack of reparations in those other countries. 40 acres and a mule. That was a lot back then.
  15. I’m guessing here. Three generations of unspanked kids and liberal mindsets in the classroom have produced what we are seeing today. If left unsupervised, which way do people tend to lean? Everything to a child is “yes”, you have to teach them “no”. Like you said, they have not been taught respect for their elders ( I might receive a slight slap across the mouth for not saying yes sir and yes ma’am when I was younger) or anything else for that matter. When one has no respect, one has no conscience. Without conscience and knowing there is a price to pay for your transgressions, you end up with total chaos and mayhem.
  16. I’d like to see the video where the man gets asked what he is doing, he tells them he is carrying and says “anything I want.”
  17. Channel 12 will be getting an earful shortly. They should be proud.
  18. Fish sticks. Man, what a typo can do. lol
  19. People who are for defunding police are complaining that police are quitting their jobs. Isn’t that what they wanted? Guess it was because it wasn’t under their terms. THE LEFT....... NO BRAINS WHATSOEVER!
  20. Unprovoked attacks on the wrong people means the death sentence. It is going to happen soon with more frequency.
  21. Too bad cops can’t get the benefit of the doubt. Like you say, I can’t speak for all of them.
  22. These guys know what they are talking about.
  23. The woman two posts up has a grasp.
  24. Here is something you won’t see on the news. You will like this woman. She can be comical, but she gets her message across.... [Hidden Content]
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