Looks like this MIT guy might be right.
Tucker Carlson Tonight- Wednesday, June 10
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Very well put and so true. People don’t want to believe that democrats have become the face of communism.
Trump will surround and arrest these mutants. We might have to separate them from their kids though, so it may be illegal to arrest them. See how convenient everything is for them?
Then arrest the mayor and governor for impersonating human beings.
Antifa is a terrorist group and should be dealt with accordingly, unless, of course, we want to see this repeated.
I know someone who could deliver them a load of cow manure.
Yep, I remember the Duke Boys. If I ever saw Sharpton I would scream at the top of my lungs,” How is Tawana doing? Did she ever graduate college on your dime? Why wasn’t she brought up on charges for lying to police?”
Sharpton on TV preaching about slavery at Floyd’s funeral. Go figure. Floyd’s family refused to let Biden attend the funeral because they didn’t want it to be political. Well shut my mouth! What a joke!
Get a job, buy or rent a house and get out of the section 8 housing. Those who don’t are living the life the Dems want you to live. Packed like sardines causes cabin fever. That can put a strain on loving families.
My wife and I are avid Astros and Cowboys fans. We have learned to get along without them. If we see something that doesn’t sit right with us, we will not watch. Lots of people did it before, looked what happened.
Yep, heard enough of your shat too. I can plainly see how YOU think on an even plain with equality for all. Have you looted a store or burned one down lately? You could feel the warmth.
This was staged by weak white people and the left agenda. I wash no one’s feet. See all the phones? It will be spread by social media, you know, where everyone lives even while attempting to drive?
That guy nailed it. Funny how some on this board never get it. Can’t see the forest for the trees.
I've been wondering why they don’t go after Soros on past threads.
Gee, I wonder why no associates or lefties have commented on this? Lmao. These guys know what’s up and think for themselves. White person carrying a BLM sign must be on crack. Lmao.
I think the cops showed marvelous restraint. How long would you let someone say “F” you in your face? The guy shook his butt at the dog. The dog reacted and the cop pulled him off. Yes, that was cool. I guess I should feel sorry for him if he sticks his hand in a cage full of rattlesnakes. There are those who would and they are dumb as a box of rocks.