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Everything posted by baddog

  1. The officer, even if he sees a gun, has to wait until he/she is shot 3 times before determining whether or not the subject should be considered a death threat.... at which point they can LEGALLY return fire.
  2. Unbelievable...... Los Angeles to cut off water, power to properties hosting large gatherings [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  3. I just want to remind people that the DA in St. Louis has Soros backing. She will never honor the 2nd amendment.
  4. You know, it’sa sad day for America when a potential candidate is chosen by gender and race. What happened to “what’s best for our party?” Crying shame. Biden confidants reportedly see VP list narrowed down to 2 [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  5. So true.
  6. That’s weird. Texas City came to my mind right when I heard it was at their port.
  7. They want Trump to be guilty by association (Epstein rubbed elbows, among other things, with a lot of higher ups) but 26 trips on the Lolita by Clinton is simply coincidental.
  8. I would think the numbers slowed down after he got shot. That would be the desired effect. You are being difficult just to be difficult. You are smarter than you let on. What difference does it make about the tally of numbers? Really! You obviously condone rioting and extortion. The guy is lucky it wasn’t lead. Let anyone come up to you and throw rocks, blind you with lasers, Molotov cocktails, let’s see your restraint.
  9. There are a lot more people he could ask. Unlike you, if they get the goods on Trump, I will be the first to call for his head on a platter. Looks like we might lose half of Congress and most of Hollywood on this one. Each one will give up the next one like a squealing little pig. I’ve already lost lots of stars I used to like.
  10. I expect better decisions from college aged kids. They can vote and drink (most of them legally) and old enough to die for their country. I’m not giving them a pass to destroy entire cities because they are naive. Again. $8 billion in damages, over 150 cops injured, some blinded by lasers, several people shot and killed, but none of that bothers you. One person gets shot by a rubber bullet and you come unglued about protecting HIS rights. I call BS on that one my friend. Your priorities are skewed.
  11. So it’s either or? No gray area? That’s called extremism. Trump was staying home because according to Fauci, Newsome, Cuomo, Lightfoot, and scores of others, you can’t have funeral gatherings. But hey, we can overlook it just this once, huh? I still say no one should incite a crowd like that at a funeral..... and you know it too.
  12. Maybe when Obama dies someone will remind us of how he was the worst president in history and how his Obamacare was a complete and utter failure. Only a POS talks like this at another man’s funeral.
  13. “Who gives a standing ovation at a funeral? C’mon man!”
  14. Scroll down to the video.....unbelievable. I bet the death toll goes way more than 60. Beirut blast: Massive explosion shakes Lebanon's capital; at least 60 dead, thousands injured [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  15. Let’s see.....$8 billion in damage and over 150 cops injured, some blinded, one punk hit in the head with a rubber bullet. Yeah, I can see why that would upset someone.
  16. “What we have here is a failure to communicate”.....anybody? My money is on NetCat What these terrorists are accomplishing is nothing. They will create vigilante groups by defunding police and acting like fools. Law abiding citizens will only take so much before they fight back. I can promise you this will happen.
  17. Sick of these punks destroying things under the blanket of free speech and the right to protest. They have gone way beyond the true meaning and have become terrorists. Let them keep talking about first amendment and attacking police and they will experience the second.
  18. If this is the guy who got shot, I have already offered my stance. Gee Officer, I wasn’t doing nothing. I was just watching them throw bricks, set stores on fire, and blind you with lasers, but I’m innocent. Someone shot a rubber bullet and it hit me. I’m suing. Lmao. Glad he got shot.
  19. I wasn’t there. Neither were you. Is this the guy who got shot in the head?
  20. He explained it rather well. If you are in the crowd that is rioting, you're a rioter.
  21. Communists won’t need your vote so they ain’t gonna take care of you.
  22. Right there in black and white (oops, was that a racist statement?) Pointing it out doesn’t affect people voting democrat. They cry about Russia then want to live like them. Just a shout out to the black community..... you cry about oppression but vote communist..Lmfao
  23. It’s where I aim. What happened to this being a peaceful protest about George Floyd? Remember him? I bet half of these punks wouldn’t even know who he is.
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