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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Is it worse to say stuff like that or sneak up behind someone and sniff their neck? I would think the physical would be worse.
  2. The democrat’s security has been defunded. Lmfao.
  3. If Harris becomes VP, we could pass her around to the Khoumeni, Putin, XI, and Un and we could call it world piece.
  4. With all the snakes in our government, federal, state, and local, it simply amazes me how one man can receive all the blame for EVERYTHING.
  5. I still have a hunch Hillary is waiting in the wings.
  6. What does Harris bring to the table as to her accomplishments as a senator? What will she do but further divide this country with her racist attitude? Being black is all she is, oh yeah, and a female. Anything else?
  7. Now, if only the biggest polluter, China, could get on board. Will this end global warming? Greta will be cutting cartwheels.
  8. I wonder how long it will take creepy Joe to sniff the back of her neck or give her one those never-ending hugs like he gave Hillary?
  9. Admittedly slept her way to the top, might as well sleep with creepy Joe. There goes the neighborhood.
  10. That should say blank, not black. Mind of its own.
  11. Black, except for some jibberish.
  12. I’ve said this before.... I wonder who the nfl players will thump their chest at after every single play?
  13. Well, it was kinda wait and see on the nfl for me, but that sealed it.
  14. Thought I would put this here........ [Hidden Content]
  15. I make a mean shrimp and crab meat gumbo. Fed some blue hats back at the old Texaco Chemical (Huntsman now). Most were coonass and they complimented me on my gumbo. I figure that was good enough for me. I like mine with rice, but potato salad is good too. Had to have potato salad for them guys. Lol My etouffee is pretty good too. I don’t claim to be the best, but I have never had a complaint.
  16. Man, I just insulted a box of rocks.
  17. Oh boo hoo!!!!!!! These are facts but they sure sound like BS to me. aoc wanting respect while showing absolutely none. She’s as dumb as a box of rocks.
  18. This is a debate? You may not consider yourself a lefty, put you sure took the “twist the facts” section out of their manifesto.
  19. That is NOT what I said, but the lefty twist is expected.
  20. Actually gotten used to it with the democratic shutdown of everything. Found other interests.
  21. Most of it was FACTS but BS too? Wanting to defeat the new president in the next election isn’t illegal or immoral. Starting impeachment talks soon after inauguration is. When people cant distinguish between the two, that’s when we have a problem.
  22. Butts in the seats and merchandising make bookoos of money, but the tv contracts are what makes the nfl go. So if viewers switch off the tvs, this hits them where it counts.
  23. I don’t think you can hold a lefty’s attention long enough to read all of this. After the first sentence they will simply call it BS and move on. It was a hevkuva read. Thanks.
  24. Any mob coming at me with pipes and clubs places me in fear for my life and I have a legal right to defend myself with whatever means necessary. Felonious assault with deadly weapons on police officers should be dealt with accordingly. Any lefties need me to fill in the blanks?
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