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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Yep, there goes the neighborhood. I’m keeping my guns too, thank you.
  2. baddog


    Be nice to hear a lefty’s view on this. Probably say, “They were hungry and trying to feed their families!”
  3. baddog


  4. Trump was not mine, or lots of other’s first choice, but I voted for him against lefty policies, mainly gun confiscation and communism. The left can’t even say that. What is so bad about conservative views that make them vote for communists? They will be the first to cry when they have to eat zoo animals, if they are that lucky.
  5. Have you noticed that dims never list any reasons they would vote for Biden?
  6. What should really happen is give in to them. Let them have their own little space. How about an island paradise? It’s called Alcatraz.
  7. One could shoot them but it would be a waste of a good bullet.
  8. I’d like to make a point here. I have said before that if someone is really down on their luck and trying to climb out of homelessness, then i would like to see them helped along by society. After reading this article it has done nothing but reinforce by beliefs that these people are homeless by choice. This was a dumb idea from the getgo, but for society to at least attempt to house these people while protecting them from spreading and contracting Covid, and to see what you get in return, is why it is difficult for me to pity them. It is so obvious why they are homeless.
  9. I read something the other day where a woman asked, “Why flee Somalia to come to the safety and freedoms of America and do everything in her power to turn this into Somalia?”
  10. Can I post this here? Seems like a good spot.
  11. That is totally what is wrong with them. Momma, Daddy, or the kids in school growing up never laid a hand on them. This is what totally protecting an individual from any form of discipline produces.
  12. The shear magnitude of the inaccuracies is dumbfounding, leaning towards criminal.
  13. Exactly. To rebel against the status quo is to be treasonous. The Boston Tea Party was special and not really treason due to the fact they left their country and started anew. The British said no-no, you are still under King’s rule. More to it than that, I know. The last tea party, which is the one I think you are referring, was to keep the status quo intact. Correct me if I am wrong. Of course I’m wrong to a lefty. lol
  14. Hasn’t gotten to that point yet, but they are killing. Still is a traitorous move.
  15. Isn't a ” movement “ traitorous?. You are rebelling again set government policy. What’s the freaking difference? Can’t have your cake and eat it too. Here comes the 1st amendment right.
  16. I get texts from lefties thinking I am Emma ( my SIL) wanting my vote. I tell them I am not Emma and that they stole my phone number from somewhere. I also tell them I am a deplorable conservative, not a communist, and to take me off their list now. One answered back and said, “We are taking you off our list immediately”. Lmao
  17. On a sitcom, man drank that stuff and said he passed a piece of HubbaBubba from the 5th grade.
  18. Stop drawing your twisted word conclusions. I am not brain washed. History shows which ideologies work and which don’t. The brain washed simply ignore this. Capitalism is what makes this country the greatest country in the history of mankind. Show me a socialist country that has lasted longer than America.
  19. Hey, I resemble that remark....nyuk....nyuk
  20. Yes, don’t watch Fox news. There are lots of facts and level headed people on there and we know how well the left deals with facts. Marxism is a little complicated and an ideology that is anti-capitalism. It is more in depth than that but that is the gist. There are lots of articles you can google but here is one I found. [Hidden Content]
  21. Funny how antifa is involved with the blm, and they are self-admitted Marxists. What’s funnier is a lot of the footage of the blm gatherings are 90% white people with most shooting video for a YouTube bump. Hey, believe what you want. You sure don’t deal with facts. Really, that’s what you gleaned from my post? All that is is word play and drawing conclusions that don’t exist.
  22. This is what you get with no respect for the cops you do have. Wait until there are none..... then what? New York City's alarming gun crime surge continued with 28 shootings this weekend [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
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