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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Trump is going to make Biden look so bad, and so is Biden.
  2. Please show where I have made a partisan statement on this thread. I already said a crook is a crook.
  3. I believe he said that we have people dying who haven’t died before. I’ll try to find it.
  4. Every day, we are bombarded with stats on Coronavirus. Since we are such a statistical society, why not, when each individual dies from this virus, his/her age is included along with whether or not they had a pre-existing condition, such as diabetes, coronary disease, chemo-patient, and the list goes on. I think that if we are to evaluate the situation with all information possible, we can come to a much better understanding and react accordingly. Another opinion of mine is that if a person working retail is going to wear disposable gloves to deal with customers, they need to change gloves after every transaction or there is no sense in wearing them in the first place. Just an observation....trying to help.
  5. Showing my age here. Kenny Rogers and the First Edition....”Just Dropped in to See What Condition My Condition Was In” Kenny married the good looking blonde from Hee Haw. Started playing country music and was a shoe-in. R.I.P.
  6. Tia Juanita’s is take out only. I got the chicken and sausage gumbo, guacamole dip, and a top shelf margarita to go. Wife got the same except for the margarita. Tipped the carry out lady the same as if we ate in. Is this helpful?
  7. Of course, me too. Just good to see that it is not overlooked.
  8. As a follow up, Schumer is probably ticked off because no one warned him so he could dump his.
  9. ...... is finally doing something I agree with. See Big Girl, a Democrat is wanting an investigation into Republicans and Democrats alike, possibly for insider trading, I would suspect. I agree with what is right, not party affiliation. A crook is a crook. Schumer wants ethics probes over pre-coronavirus stock sales by Burr, Feinstein, others [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  10. Or a rise in domestic violence cases, you know.....cabin fever.
  11. Because now they are worried about diseases they may be carrying, which I discussed awhile back on the border wall thread. It didn’t seem to matter then. The left is even praising Trump. Go figure.
  12. Not sure it has anything to do with having a pair, but more of how political every situation has become, and the scrutinized actions of our leaders. If Trump asks for too much money, he gets slammed, to little...... slammed. Trump and Abbott both have positive attitudes towards defeating this virus. They have both asked us not to panic. They are doing what has to be done when their people are in panic mode. One really can’t question either’s virility. The comparison to the flu is not that skewed. The flu infects millions more just in one season. Just the shear number of flu cases boggles the mind. I am very responsible. My daughter-in-law is being tested for Covid-19. It will be six days before she has results. She has my one year old grand daughter who feverish now. I take this very seriously. My comparisons are also to ease panic. I can’t let myself go off the deep end. It would only exacerbate the situation.
  13. We ate at Texas Roadhouse Wednesday at about 4:30. When we got home, my wife read that all restaurants were going to be shut down to carry-out only. I haven’t ignored this crisis as bad as what you have said, but I’m a home body anyway. I still get out and cut my grass and other projects that may need attending. I still go to work. With all of the shelter in place, I predict a baby boom.
  14. Obama’s Ebola Czar says this virus is going to EXPLODE in the next few weeks. Nothing like stirring up some more panic. Bullets, I know of no one who has taken this lightly. We have had some comic relief, which is harmless, and until yesterday, I had frequented restaurants that were open. Now that they are closed I will have to alter my life a tad. What people like me, and several others on this board don’t care for, is the panic driven media. There is absolutely NOTHING WORSE during a crisis than to have the masses in panic mode, and these media yahoos know it. They play on your fear of the unknown and exploit it to the point of total control. There is no doubt that Covid-19 is out there and yes, it is killing people. I truly think this thing has been blown way out of proportion for political gain. There are yo-yos who blame Trump, and I hate those people. They are bad for the country as a whole. In this country, Covid-19 has a death rate about equal to the flu. We sure don’t panic and shut the entire country down for the flu, which we have had some bad ones. 1.4 people out of 100 infected in the US will die, and that’s a shame. I have said before that I would rather celebrate the 98.6 that survived. It’s better for the mind than the negative fear mongering media.
  15. Who was he offering to send....you? Lmao.
  16. Yeah, but they signed Cobb. He’s decent, but older and not even close to Hopkins.
  17. We just got a raise. What I like most about all of this, not only does it stimulate the economy and save the market, but the money is for US CITIZENS O-N-L-Y!!!!!! McConnell's coronavirus stimulus plan would provide payments of $1,200 per person, $2,400 for couples [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  18. Hey dipstick.....a government stimulus package is not government assistance. Stimulus packages are for everyone. Assistance is for the worthless do nothings and blood suckers. Hiw’s that?
  19. These are death percentages by countries most affected by the Covid-19. Italy-8.4% Iran-6.17% China-4% US-1.43 S. Korea-1.06 How about those numbers UT? Third world countries are not as vaccinated as we are.
  20. What is a Republican motto? Did you take your money when Clinton had his big give back? I’m not a leech. I have worked all my life and any tax money the president says I’m eligible for is mine anyway.
  21. You mean the experts Trump offered China to help control the spread early on, and China said middle finger to that? You really have become a troll.
  22. I was an “A” “B” student. Made a “B” in differential calculus at Lamar. Dumb is such a comparative term..... dumb compared to what?.....You? Lmao.
  23. Exactly what should he have done sooner that would make you proud? ......... crickets
  24. I owed on my income tax this year. Just about to get it back. That’s why I said it’s “MY MONEY” to Big Girl......and I need tires. She doesn't know the difference between assistance and living off the mammary gland of the working class.
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