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Everything posted by baddog

  1. God—————-dims hate God and even boo him Family————dims have eroded family values with abortion, which places zero value on life itself. How can you value family if you can murder your kids? Country———-dims don’t have the country in mind with their selfish policies that place themselves above all Americans Apple Pie——Ok, dims like apple pie too Chevrolet——dims would probably try to own the company to fill their greedy hands and turn it into an electric golf cart company.
  2. She has ridden Bill’s coattail long enough. Why hasn’t she knocked him off yet?
  3. This virus curse will be over when it ceases to be EVERY news story 24-7. Someone could be murdered at the end of your street and it might get a mention on the news, but if the same person died of Covid-19, there would be chopper cameras, 4 ambulances, police, fire, and several reporters on the scene. It has become almost that bad.
  4. Wow, and to think I apologized for feeling like that guy.
  5. Here’s some handy advice. All we have to do is go ask our moms if “slap me into next year” is still on the table.
  6. Of course you wouldn’t. Remington is a gun and ammo manufacturer. If you jump, it might hit you in the head. HELLO!!!!!
  7. Don’t forget the 430,000 people who flew here from China at the beginning.
  8. It would be a conflict of interest for Cuomo. He is anti-gun. Political motivation is more powerful than saving people’s lives.
  9. I also don’t believe that foreign countries, especially enemies, should be allowed to purchase US stock. Let them go through the Clinton Foundation. (That was a joke)
  10. I cant say that biological warfare hasn’t crossed my mind, even before reading your article and this..... Some 430,000 people flew from China to US after coronavirus first detected: report [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  11. Probably only to me. Lots of people buying deck supplies....4x4 treated, 2x6 treated, 5/4 treated, sacrete. Something to do instead of sitting in the house. Police outside of store going in. Didn’t ask me why I was there.
  12. Went to Lowe’s today to get some supplies to fix the back of my barn. Everyone in the store looks at you like you are contaminated. I found myself thinking that most of those staring at me, or giving me funny looks, until a couple weeks ago, hadn’t even known what a virus is. Does anyone even realize that these hand sanitizers only work on bacteria? Ok, my rant for today.
  13. Since we are on the topic of Pelosi, she and Shiff are considering a third round of ridiculous charges (accusations with no proof) against President Trump with their oversight committee on Covid-19. Wouldn’t this be the epitome of “abuse of power”?
  14. .....donates his Presidential salary to the Covid-19 cause. Pelosi gets a raise from the stimulus package intended for the American people, and is pushing a tax break for her rich district, which would also line her pockets. I believe that says it all.
  15. Good points. People on chemo, like my brother-in-law, have absolutely no immune system. They can’t catch the common cold. It could be devastating.
  16. I hate the fact that if they get voted out, they still get a lifetime salary. If they are no longer serving us, they should have to go out and get a real job.
  17. That would be Obamacare?
  18. If you can’t whip an unarmed cruise ship, I think you should just give up.
  19. Mexico has now said that they will pay for and build the wall. Completion will be Monday @ 3;00 p.m.
  20. I liked Bird/McHale. Two of the best half court artist you could want. Not sure what you call that jump shot of Bird’s where he would take it in the low post, back the defender down, then plant and lunge away from the basket. That was pretty unstoppable. He was also one of the greatest passers and 3 point shooters ever. He had an uncanny knack for shooting the ball off-balance, even to the point of one thinking him lucky, but after so many times repeating these types of shots, you had to just realize he was that good. After scoring, Bird would run up court and trash talk the opposing coach, telling him he can’t cover that. Gotta love the swagger. McHale would receive the ball in the low post, take on a double, sometimes triple team, pick up his dribble, pivot left, right, left, and lay it off the glass with those long arms of his. Great rebounder and put back shooter. Fantastic shot blocker too. Unbelievable offense they ran. Lakers matched up well with the Celtics to produce the best basketball games I have ever witnessed. I don’t see offenses run like that these days. Maybe it’s just me. Bird and Johnson saved the NBA.
  21. Prayers are always at the forefront. I am sure quite a few were said for this man. The positive attitude is what makes it work too. 95-year-old WWII veteran beats the odds, survives coronavirus: 'Have a positive attitude' [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  22. ....... just remember...... somewhere, Bill Clinton is sheltered in place with Hillary..... Lmao
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