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Everything posted by baddog

  1. She‘s fake, just like her climate change German railway company corrects Thunberg's tweet on 'overcrowded trains' [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  2. I think some rich white girl stole big girl’s beau somewhere along the way.
  3. Wow, what a difference a run game can make and your defense is playing lights out. Dak with a respectable 9-16 160 yards, 2 TDs.
  4. Sean Hannity: What did Obama know about Russia investigation, and when did he know it? [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  5. Ha ha....that’s why dims are already jumping ship. I really don’t trust anyone who does about-faces simply because being a dim means believing exactly the opposite of anything I believe in. How in the world that can possibly be is totally beyond my comprehension. So jumping ship leaves me dumbfounded as to how one can change their “beliefs” in this manner. My beliefs can be swayed to a possible common ground, but not a flip-flop. That’s insane. The Senate trial will be much more fair than that circus you call the house.
  6. That’s cool. When I think of Comey, the saying, “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive” comes to mind. Saying the Steele dossier had little to do with it is a big fat lie. Laying the investigation off on sloppiness is his way of trying to get people to overlook the underlying factors.....like the FBI had a brain fart. Give me a break. Is Comey lying? Is his mouth moving?
  7. ......coming clean and apologizing. Using words like “sloppiness” to describe the FBI’s FISA probe. What a liar. Comey admits error in defense of FBI's FISA process after IG report: 'He was right, I was wrong' [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  8. I thinK Trump has 2020 sewn up. We need to start grooming a candidate for 2024. Pence would not be my pick. He’s just not as flamboyant as Trump.
  9. .....in the world.... Being a wide receiver for Navy (except when Staubach was there) QB Malcolm Perry 29/304 yards rushing. Phenominal athlete.
  10. Isn’t this perjury? CNN admits Trump correct, that 2 Democrats misquoted Ukraine call during impeachment markup session [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  11. There’s that ‘what about” again. See how well it works? Trump was doing what he should for party lines. Problem is that there are too many Rinos. Let’s see if the Dim governor tries to reverse this. Got any money to bet he doesn’t? Sure am glad Obama didn’t pull a stunt like this before he left office, along with giving the Iranians a butt load of moolah. But you can rejoice in your pitiful fact that Trump supported this guy if it makes you feel better.
  12. No one man should have the power to do this. It should have to go before the board of pardons and parole. I bet the sale of guns and ammo just went up in Kentucky. I agree that he should be held responsible for their actions. Since most prisoners are repeat offenders, it’s almost a surety to happen.
  13. We shouldn’t call it a sport. There is no sportsmanship anymore. It should be referred to as semi-controlled gang warfare. I am sick of players taking a bow after every play.
  14. I never drew that parallel. It says it all.
  15. Republicans weren’t allowed defensive witnesses. Your offensive charges are such generalized judgement calls it is laughable.
  16. Wasn’t trying to argue. Just letting some of the millennials know about Stalin since we don’t teach history anymore.
  17. Who is Greta Thunberg? Stalin was 10 times more evil than Hitler. Stalin murdered 10,000,000 of his own people. He would execute them, then execute the executors.
  18. What defense? What offense?
  19. Never fear..... Democrat Karen Bass says she's open to impeach Trump again if he gets reelected in 2020 [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  20. Yes, the pressure is on Dak due to a stagnant running game and a porous defense. I never know which defense Is showing up....,the one who actually only gave the Pats 3 points (gave them 10 on TOs) or the one who lets the Jets look like a super bowl caliber offense. Playing from behind is generally on the defense. There are several QBs throughout history that have great passing stats and no SB victories but no one holds that against them.
  21. Leading the league in passing is bad? Yes, there is a lot of things that need to be addressed, but most losing teams that fire their coach have e problems than the coach. This team has enough talent to make a deep playoff run. Can they do it? Who knows? I am the eternal optimist. Survived the Chan Gailey and Dave Campo years, so I already have dealt with change and failure, but carrot top needs to go.
  22. So, you’re just on here for the comic relief? Didn’t somebody release a bunch of 9/11 terrorists from Gitmo? I can’t remember who that was. Btw, good spin....... apologizing for terrorists..... lmao
  23. Was that due to all those “shovel ready” jobs? I believe unemployment stats are the easiest to skew, even Trumps could be misleading. The jobs are there, no doubt, but there are too many factors involved in getting the unemployment stats 100% correct.
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