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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Link?
  2. When are you going to quit posing as big girl?
  3. He should apologize to Japan for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I’ll spin it this way.... You are more concerned with protocol or etiquette than the fact that a Muslim infiltrated our military and killed good men
  4. Yes, the debt too, to which the deficit contributes.
  5. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER said one freakin word about Obama’s deficit. Not one word. You have very little character and no conviction, although you act as if you do.
  6. baddog


    He was also upset that there were no black expert witnesses at the Big Top.
  7. Christmas hires.....LMFAO. Except for the retailers, most things tend to slow during the holidays. After January and February, then it will be “ let’s see how March and April do”
  8. That is the perfect way to bow out.
  9. Is there a common denominator?
  10. Guess he forgot about the black professor and the white cop. That was the beginning of the divide between the races and the beginning of cop hatred. After that, EVERY guiltY black person was innocent, even if he shot at a cop. What a DA.
  11. Lmao. Thats what I expected. So predictable. You come on here denouncing white people with your racist remarks, then when called out on it, play victim. Typical black demoncrat.
  12. How so? This is how Dr. Carson became successful. He didn’t believe what you just stated, and showed who the true racists really are. You would fit that category nicely.
  13. Socialism vs. Capitalism. Everyone should already know how this works, but sheep must be led to slaughter.
  14. What difference does it make when a person finds out about another person? If I have certain beliefs and another person in a higher power believes the same, then of course I will ride the proverbial jock strap. It’s called leadership. If you have no inner feelings about how things should actually be, then you SNIFF the jock strap expecting hand outs. It was Hillary’s number one promise.....free stuff. It does have a nice ring to it and it is sad how many fall for that when they are truly being led to slaughter, you know, Pied Piper Syndrome.
  15. Whites can think past their nose because there is no ring in it. Voila....TRUMP.
  16. He can’t comment on what he said so he had to find that label, you know, the N word or an Uncle Tom. Extremism at its finest. No middle ground ever.
  17. No, I don’t. We have made homelessness inviting and almost acceptable. The illegals are trying to rise out of poverty while the mentality of some of the American working class says WTF. A lot of the homeless are drug addicts. We hear all the time about syringes everywhere. They couldn’t get a job, much less hold one so who is to feel sorry?
  18. There is no “again”. You said the illegals were working for next to nothing. I simply blew the crap out of that statement.
  19. The Soviet “mission” is being fulfilled by the Democrats and their blind followers. Two quotes by Lenin: “Give me just one generation of youth, and I'll transform the whole world.” - Lenin“Give me two generations of children of Americans in school without God and I will take the nation without firing a shot!” - Lenin Sound familiar? If you are willing to let these two things happen, then why the concern of the Soviet’s “mission” ? Again, you make no sense and are two-faced.
  20. I was watching the circus when he said that. He was such a douche.
  21. Nunya. He is a multi-millionaire. Lives in Houston.
  22. Don’t care if your household income is more than mine. All you strive for is to outdo the white man, so there’s that rearing it’s head. Who you are as a person means trillions more to me than what you own. I am much richer in that respect. Yes, I will defend rich people. Try and get a job working for a poor man. I bet you get every deduction to which you think you are entitled and then some. Don’t we all? You started this thread to which you didn’t answer my comments about foreign policy.
  23. He/she needs to ask her sweetheart Hillary how profitable a nonprofit is. Ask Al Sharpton also. Do they pay their “fair share”? Heck, they don’t even pay their 10%, but he/she is ok with that.
  24. That’s all you gleaned from my post? Typical of you to answer with a one liner. So nonprofits don’t make tons of money, they are not companies, and no one gets rich? Good try.
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