That has to be one of the stupidest articles I have read. CNN and their Trump hatred stinks all through it. What a sheltered life people lead who would believe one shred of that biased crapola.
Please list any president who has revealed their tax return. Next, list all the presidents whose birth certificate was questionable.
I think it would be safe to say that 92% of the blacks he hangs with think Carson is a racist. I see no gun held to Carson’s head. Carson is his own man and blacks hate that because 92% can’t think past their nose.
Your article sounds as if YOU wrote it. Did you even read the next two articles? They are much more interesting and written by great, free thinking minds. People with vision, not thumb suckers waiting for someone to tell them how to act.
One who is foolish is a fool. One who can be duped is a fool. Better to be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt. I don’t consider it name calling, but the “offended” route is the one taken by dims. I feel so bad.
I though about leaving my Astros because I hate cheating. Then I many fans left the Saints for paid cheap shot artists? How many left the Pats for spygate and deflatagate? How many steroid users have been busted? How many corked bats have been used? How many pitchers have scuffed up a ball? I don’t condone any of these things, but if I stay and Astros fan, who would care?
I will say this, it sure didn’t work during this past WS. We lost every home game so how advantageous can it be?
So now being called foolish is offensive? Put your big boy pants on and don’t be thin skinned. You have been duped by your own party into believing that Trump is evil and not good for Americans. Actually, Trump is not good for the deep state and demoncrats in general. He makes them angry and the followers are crybabies. How can anyone follow people who make stuff up? How much has already been disproven? Hiw much has to be disproven until you can see the light of day?
Typical comment from a non free-thinking black. You didn’t even watch the video, just throw out your racist comment. Good boy. Here Rover.....fetch, rollover, sit up.
“What about” only bothers those who have no conviction. When only one group of people can be guilty of wrongdoing, then “what about” has no meaning to them.
Please give a link showing he was exonerated. Then you say “if he wasn’t”. Which is it? Please show the transcript where Trump asked a foreign power to investigate a political opponent. Hunter Biden is not a political opponent. Your post is pure speculation. Typical of dims.
Honest Truth: Joe Biden told Ukranian President that he was holding back $billions unless he fired the investigator who was trying to uncover corruption in Burisma, a company Hunter Biden worked for. That is an admitted quid pro quo but it doesn’t bother you. Why don’t you put big boy pants on and give up your FAKE OUTRAGE!
Starting out your rebuttal with “I heard”, you could be a witness for the impeachment inquiry.
Hey, if Hunter was there in good faith, might as well take some dirty money, huh?
We have already shown you numerous times what Joe said.