......to socialism....
Get one of your kids to clean the bathroom. When he/she is done, pay them $10. Then take $7 back and give it to the sibling that did nothing. Tell the child that cleaned the bathroom that this is socialism. We will see how he/she grows up.
Hopefully so. So far, the dead are the young and old, which is usually the case with flu.
Most viruses originate in SE Asia. Gee, I wonder why? Could it be due to the cramping of so many people with their livestock and poultry? Heck yes.
First qualification is to take your brain out and chunk it up against s brick wall. You won’t be needing it anyway. They have you under control after that. Then, it’s like becoming a Moonie. Surrender all your worldly possessions.
Just an update....
Dr. Oz on Chinese nurse's explosive claim about true number of coronavirus infections
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He’s glad a level headed guy like you “ain’t the judge”, but a promiscuous woman can be the judge over life and death, giving their baby’s life for body parts. He simply has no stance. Keeps giving childish answers.
If the way we were is discriminatory, then to begin excluding people that don’t fit your agenda is also discriminatory. Duh!!!!!!
You want to have your cake and eat it too.
Trump said if Iran retaliated and killed any Americans or allies, he would bomb 52 targets. Iran killed no one. Now they just resort to calling Trump names, kinda like some people on this board.
You are answering the wrong post.
Boycotting the NFL did have an effect, but too many people shop Hobby Lobby for your 2 cents to have an impact. You can simply feel good that they don’t have your money, but Hobby Lobby can still have their political views.