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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Burrow is too good.
  2. Bonehead play. What a DA
  3. That looked easy.
  4. And right off the bat lsu sets the tone. OU running on 3rd and 17.....wow
  5. I think LSU being favored by 12.5 is a bit much. I won’t pull for Okie because of the Big XII, I just see this is their third year straight and well......who knows? LSU has the better team and for sure the better QB, but Okie plays good football and Hurtz was 2nd in the Hypeman race. I like OSU against Clemson.
  6. New York City group wants Trump’s help on homelessness [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  7. Subpoenas have to be “served” and everyone, including Trump, should comply or go to jail. How’s that? Trump has nothing to hide or the articles of impeachment would have been delivered to the Senate. I think Biden is worried, not about distraction from Trump, but about his son being a crook.
  8. .....but Trump should be arrested. Lmao at two faced dims, and this one may be the worst. Biden says he won't comply with Senate subpoena in Trump's impeachment trial [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  9. I think it stems from the fans wanting more offense.... higher scoring games. Back in the day, 10-7 games were the norm. FGs meant something. Drives ending in a FG were cheered. Now it is considered settling. Not sure what the penalty was for defensive holding back in the day. I think defensive holding on a DB should be a spot foul but not an automatic first down, unless the spot gives it to the offense. I seem to recall that offensive and defensive holding were both 15 yard penalties, which generally would give the offense a first down anyway.
  10. From the article: Joe lashes out at Republicans for attacking his family. I sure am glad Trump’s family hasn’t been attacked. That would make this unfair.
  11. Thank you. Same to you UT.
  12. .....and a true Grand Jury would realize there is not enough evidence to go to trial and the accused would be “no billed”.
  13. True, and Colorado is being overrun by out-of-state dopeheads.
  14. He wasn’t even familiar with his own freakin report.
  15. Not completely, but I found this. Please question the reference. [Hidden Content]
  16. Then O.J. should have hung.
  17. People don’t care if they screw it up for everyone else as long as they can possibly get their share. Sad but true.
  18. No, the witnesses Schumer says he wants to call. They could have already been called. Quit playing girly games. You know to whom I am referring.
  19. How is it redundant? The whistleblower has not been identified so they are a secret. Trump has the right to face his accusers.
  20. Circumstantial sucks and you know it. Can’t believe you said that. Trump needs no witnesses to exonerate him. Your side needs evidence to convict. That is the rule of law and Trump is as entitled to it as you or me.
  21. Here is the whole problem with your side’s thinking. You talk jurisprudence but are not willing to afford Trump due process. He also has the right to see his accusers. (Secret whistleblower, give me a break)
  22. He’s black. He gets a pass.
  23. Why weren’t these witnesses called during the hearings? The Republicans didn’t get to call the witnesses they wanted. WTF do you call fair?Actually, I hate the term. In order to be fair to one side, you have to screw the heck out of the other. The senate could throw this out because they own the rules now, not shiff. Pelosi is playing games. You supposedly have your charges, bring them to trial.
  24. Why hold back these articles of impeachment?
  25. Just some facts to chew on.... Here is an interesting fact for my American friends: During the 3-1/2 years of World War 2 that started with the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in December 1941 and ended with the Surrender of Germany and Japan in 1945, "The People of the U.S.A." produced the following:22 aircraft carriers,8 battleships,48 cruisers,349 destroyers,420 destroyer escorts,203 submarines,34 million tons of merchant ships,100,000 fighter aircraft,98,000 bombers,24,000 transport aircraft,58,000 training aircraft,93,000 tanks,257,000 artillery pieces,105,000 mortars,3,000,000 machine guns, and2,500,000 military trucks.We put 16.1 million men in uniform in the various armed services, invaded Africa, invaded Sicily and Italy, won the battle for the Atlantic, planned and executed D-Day, marched across the Pacific and Europe, developed the atomic bomb, and ultimately conquered Japan and Germany.It's worth noting, that during the almost exact amount of time, the Obama Administration couldn't even build a web site that worked.
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