generated money and cash flow. This is a purely capitalistic move by a communist governor to help his drowning state stay alive. I guess he does need the huge company to suck the life blood from. Couldn’t happen to a better or more deserving company.
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All 3 are about offending people and political correctness. Sure are a lot of wusses in the world. This is a huge part of what is terribly wrong with our country.
That girl is a millennial? Can’t be, she thinks for herself. None of that was rehearsed or read. Hope there is more like her.
Here is what I think. There are lots of people around her age that think for themselves. The biggest problem is that the media runs from them and sticks a mic in the face of dumbasses like AOC!
Ill just put this here. Trump should rename ICE “Planned” Citizenship and rename deportation “Aborted” Naturalizations. Two terms very popular with the dims.
Maybe if our premiums could be written off, even stipulating a certain amount, would be the government’s way of at least helping the working stiff. After looking at how the government takes care of the people willing to die for you and me, who the heck would trust free healthcare?
Yeah, it was the Biden rule. Another foot in the mouth for Dems. Wall Street makes our capitalist economy go. Taxing them for student loans is not a good idea.
Tax Wall Street to pay off student loans. Never heard anything more ridiculous in my life. Free tuition. Who pays the professors? None of these people are qualified to run a country. Anyone who thinks like that is a moron.
Gee, I just offended morons.
I like the groupings. The first debater are the also rans. What a true joke that was. Everything was anti-Trump. No one had solutions. The border problem was indeed the people who funded the caravans. Soros?
Notice how they did not distinguish between good muslims and bad muslims. They must not care about offending. I totally agree. Czechs are much more intelligent than lots of people in this country.
Where did they get that yo-yo and why is she there? I mean, she must be the door lady for Google. Go get the senior executives at Google for this hearing. Duh!!!!!
Ahhhhh, the epitome of two faced people. Kountzer, is Fox lying here? See the about face? Pathetic.....
Democrats, media change tune on border: No longer a ‘manufactured crisis’
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