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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Biden’s poll numbers dropped dramatically after the debate. Harris’ room temperature IQ will be exposed for all to see. Anti-Trump is not a platform and will not bail her out of an answer. Maybe she will smoke a joint and try to cackle her way out of answering as usual. I think RFK’s votes will be split.
  2. After a debate with real questions…. Not asking her favorite flavor of ice cream
  3. Read the topic and thought it was about Kamala. Another word passed around media circles is calling Trump and Vance “weird”.
  4. “American” would be the operative word here.
  5. They love capitalism for themselves……socialism/communism for us commoners.
  6. Red Sox were hitting the ball well. Duran is a monster. Didn’t he reach base every time? We’ll be ok. Mariners are helping all they can.
  7. How does defunding the police and allowing criminals/terrorist to cross our border bring order to society?
  8. There sure is a massive amount of armed police protecting a convention full of people who believe in defunding them. Hypocrites!!!!! People who don’t believe in putting up walls to protect the American people sure have plenty of metal fencing available to surround their sorry arses. Aren’t they supposed to allow the protesters full access to their facilities…..like an OPEN BORDER? Hypocrites!!!!
  9. Is it me, or do we seem to always play a team with a “former” Astro?
  10. Good try, but they don’t think like that at all. It’s called deductive reasoning and it’s not part of the liberal mindset.
  11. Surprise comeback with the way the infield stunk it up. I think it’s fair to say we need Bregman at 3rd base. Whitcomb can’t play 3rd.
  12. Conventions are nothing more than pep rallies. AOC’s rah-rah moment was teleprompter scripted. The “We Love Joe” signs were an added special effect. To me, Joe Biden can rot in hell, but his cronies stabbed him in the back in a most undemocratic way. Interviewed rally attendees say Kamala’s greatest accomplishment was “standing by Joe”. That’s an accomplishment?
  13. We were also the #1 exporter in the world. Saudi was having a cow.
  14. No problem. Alvarez giving the Red Sox fits again. He’d bat great anywhere in the lineup, but I think it’s better for the team if he bats 3rd with Tucker behind. Diaz has filled that 4 spot better that I would have thought.
  15. This should be scary to everyone. Look how she embraces the power (megalomaniac). What’s worse is she has done exactly what she describes.
  16. Sounds vaguely familiar….hmmmm
  17. Too many players to insert to keep Alvarez @ 3 slot. Hold down on the letter and slide to the tilde or accent.
  18. I’d move Peña or Dubón to 2nd.
  19. Nope. She has come a long way to doing her own research.
  20. Sorry, he doesn’t want facts. He’d rather dodge them and spew hatred, something his party claims is bad. What would Kamala do when confronted with Israel/Iran/Hamas? Look at the rioting already. Businesses have shut down. That’s a notch against economy. Her administration cancelled sanctions against Iran. Look what is happening. What will she do about Ukraine/Cash Cow? She can’t handle Putin. She only knows Ukraine is a big country surrounded by other countries. What a joke people are who stand for this ignorance. She can’t talk policy because all she has is Trump hatred, just like those of you on this board. It’s all you got. Pathetic
  21. Grow up
  22. Sorry, Whitcomb 2-3. Double, walk, run.
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