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Everything posted by baddog

  1. I think the punters for both teams are like the Maytag repairman.
  2. Total BS. These players are not being judged by their skin color. Your race has decided to crap on America by kneeling for the anthem. Kapernick said he would stop kneeling if some team would hire him. That is fake solidarity right there. James said he didn't have anything to do with whites while in high school, so he was already practicing racism, but he kept his mouth shut until he had enough money that it wouldn't affect him in any way. Saying what he said is as racist as it gets. I am sick and tired of being made to feel like a bad person simply because I'm white. I'm not taking any more. These white owners sure made him a wealthy person.
  3. Stupid roughing the passer penalty lets Duncanville score a FG.
  4. WB played a heckuva game. Great season guys. You will be back.
  5. 3 and out did them in, not the fumble.
  6. Nobody saw the facemask, like it matters.
  7. PI should be a spot foul instead of 15 yards.
  8. That should be no good
  9. He has been throwing high.
  10. No pressure, even high school QBs can burn you.
  11. Wb playing like champs. Qb throwing a bit high, but he will settle down.
  12. This post is like a water pistol that's run out of water. Squirt, squirt....dribble, dribble.
  13. They could also “sense” it.
  14. Just another example of “after money comes power”. James has more money than he knows what to do with. Since money no longer matters, what does he strive for?.......Power/Influence. Now, somehow, his opinion matters. Funny he didn't say things like this straight out of high school. Needed to be set for life before opening up this can of worms. I respect James' opinion about as much as I do my dog's. All blacks want is total takeover....black owners, head coaches, and players. Tell James I feel towards him the same way as the horse he rode in on. Slaves worth tens of millions of dollars. LMFAO
  15. Channel 676 on Fox Sports SW on Direct TV.
  16. You are correct. Am I forgiven?
  17. Except for the fumble/gimme TD, I don't recall Aledo having an offensive play for negative yards.
  18. Well, that will seal it, if it wasn't already.
  19. Dam, someone else scored.
  20. I know there is another thread for this, but I'm not sure if pulling out of Syria is good or not. I really don't. Already expressed some of my opinion about it on the other thread. I think Trump should listen to his Secretary of State and his military commanders. It is their job to know and to advise the commander-in-chief. We are not withdrawn just yet. Trump needs to sit down and talk with his generals. This was kind of sudden with no hint of a pullout.
  21. Agree. One of Marshall's TDs was a gimme. Stats are fairly even though.
  22. Look at the size of Aledo's offensive line, especially #77.
  23. These announcers are clueless. They said he was called short of a TD. They were going for a 2 point conversion. Duh. Had me wondering
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